Sunday, March 10, 2019

Trump's Newest Budget Proposal: The Con Still in Play Like His Trail of Failures

Documented Failures 

Major Con and Major Penalty
(Still Working It)

Walling off America from the Rest of the World
(Or so it seems)

According to a summary reviewed by The Washington Post of Trump’s forthcoming budget severe and harsh cuts stand out.

Introduction: Trump will request at least another $8.6 billion in funding to build more sections of his wall along the Mexico border. That sets up a fresh battle with Congress less than one month after Trump declared a national emergency.

Highlights: Trump will request $5 billion in funding for DHS to continue building sections of a wall along the Mexico border. Trump will request another $3.6 billion for DOD’s military construction budget to erect more sections of a wall.

People describing the request spoke on the condition of anonymity because the budget is not public yet, but a top White House official acknowledged the request in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” 

Reuters first reported the $8.6 billion figure. Again we see Fox news running the nation’s and Trump’s PR campaign.

Is this a new budget fight is coming? 

Well, Larry Kudlow, the White House’s top economic adviser (and former Fox commentator) said:I suppose there will be. I would just say that the whole issue of the wall, of border security, is of paramount importance. We have a crisis down there. I think the president has made that case very effectively.”

Top Democrats reacted swiftly to reports that Trump was seeking more money for the wall, reflecting how they are girding for the fight and believe that public sentiment is on their side. Rep. Nita M. Lowey (D-NY), who chairs the House Appropriations Committee, said the request was “not even worth the paper it’s written on.” 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) added that Trump caused the shutdown in December because he defied Congress. They said they will block his demands again as well.

Specific cuts Trump wants:

* Cutting $1.1 trillion from Medicaid and other health-care programs over the next decade by turning over more control to states

NOTE: Medicaid is health-care for low-income and disabled Americans. It is run jointly by states and the federal government. Most Republicans and the White House have repeatedly proposed slashing it alleging it is wasteful.

Nearly all Democrats and a number of Republicans have fought back and sought to expand the program as a way to provide more benefits for the poor.

* Cutting another $327 billion from a range of other welfare programs:  food and housing assistance (by imposing mandatory work requirements for certain recipients).
* Cutting another $207 billion by making changes to student loan programs over 10 year.
* Cutting additional $200 billion by changing federal retirement programs and making major changes to the U.S. Postal Service.
Severe cuts and reductions at a number of federal agencies:
* 12% from the Education Department
* 12% from the HHS
* 11% from Interior Department
* 23% from the State Department
* 32% from the EPA
* 22% from Transportation Department
Almost all of the proposals require congressional approval and they dismissed cuts of similar size in Trump’s past budgets. Democratic leaders have said they will oppose the proposed budget cuts. Trump officials signal they plan to fight over the budget much harder this year.
Republicans believe the new Trump budget proposal provides a sharp contrast between Democrats and Republicans heading into the final year of Trump’s first term.

Even with the proposed cuts, the White House proposal would not eliminate the budget deficit until the mid-2030s. That is in part because Trump has instructed aides not to pursue any structural changes to Medicare, the health-care program for millions of older Americans.

My 2 cents: I am convinced that Trump is a bigot when it comes to poor Americans and once again he shows that bias clearly by cutting programs that help the poor and needy. He is in a word a despicable human being.

But he never neglects the top crust – that is the life style he and his family have ever known. They are horrible people, totally.

Another shutdown looms if he does not get his way – spoiled brat he is … bet on it, so hang on tight.

Thanks for Stopping by.

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