Saturday, September 17, 2016

Wisconsin Weasel: Gov. Scott "Koch-Clone" Walker (R): Corruption Comes to Light No Surprise

His Scam Kitty Comes to Light

Documents released by the Guardian indicate that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) may have solicited and received corporate checks for the 2011 Senate recall fight and his own 2012 recall election.

The checks – cut from corporate treasuries, not granted by individuals – were deposited into the account of the dark money group Wisconsin Club for Growth, which prosecutors viewed as a “subcommittee of Walker's campaign” in violation of the state statutes (11.10 (04)) as they were written at the time. 

Moreover, it appears that Walker and the GOP-controlled legislature later took actions to benefit a number of these secret, corporate contributors and the public was none the wiser.

The Guardian expose focused on the shocking story of one corporate giver, lead pigment manufacturer Harold Simmons, who gave a $500,000 corporate check on top of $250,000 in personal contributions and was rewarded with a change to the law which would retroactively cancel the lawsuits of 173 children poisoned by lead paint. But other corporate donors got special treatment as well.

Wisconsin has had an absolute ban on corporate contributions in politics since 1905, “when Republican Governor ‘Fighting Bob’ LaFollette and the Wisconsin legislature” were battling the corrupt stranglehold of railroad and timber barons on state government.

As many people say, the truth always comes out – it may take time, but it always comes out. This classic example.

Thanks for stopping by.

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