Monday, January 4, 2016

Allow Me to Introduce the Sickest, Most-dangerous Lying Scumbag Ever

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne La Pierre 

The basis for this posting is from this story here ... and it's a keeper. It clearly shows a comparison between NRA VP CEO La Pierre, his strong gun lobby, members of Congress in his pocket (or in his wallet – take your pick), and those who worship guns at any cost (some refer to them as gun nuts – probably a darn good label considering their recent actions like in this article).

This is an introduction to that piece: A new video from the National Rifle Association's (NRA) executive vice president Wayne LaPierre claims that President Obama “… has all the laws he needs to stop the bloodshed” of gun violence in big cities but chooses not to because he supposedly refuses to enforce federal gun laws.

In fact, the NRA has engaged in a decades-long campaign to hinder the efforts of the federal law enforcement agency charged with enforcing federal gun laws, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) (I interject that the NRA probably considers the ATF a bigger threat than ISIS – just my hunch).

For example, back on October 27, he released this video and claimed, “Under the existing federal gun laws, [Obama] could take every felon with a gun, drug dealer with a gun and criminal gangbanger with a gun off the streets tomorrow and lock them up for five years or more. But he won't do it, his Justice Department won't do it, and the media never asks why.”

The video also featured LaPierre's continued apparent use of racially coded language by contrasting “thugs like De'Eris Brown, criminal gangbangers with illegal guns in Chicago, and violent thugs with the good, honest Americans living out in farm towns in Nebraska or Oklahoma or working two jobs in inner-city Chicago or Baltimore.”

The video was introduced by LaPierre claiming “nothing illustrates America's breakdown like the way the president's hometown celebrates its holidays,” before describing Chicago shootings as a “kind of third-world carnage.”

As for me, I conclude: LaPierre’s pack of lies has had more influence than Herr Doktor Joseph Goebbels ever had with The Big Lie like “more guns means less killing.” Not like this, but it should be like this recent showdown in Oregon >>>

Thanks for stopping by. 

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