Friday, September 13, 2024

Sen. Tuberville Strikes Again: He Has Trump Cult MAGA Orders for Massive Voter Suppression

Tuberville's Main Threesome w/others in the MAGA camp

Those three GOP Senators: Sen. Tuberville (R-AL); behind left, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT); and behind, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and lip locked on Trump's ass.

Those three following Trump's orders are a real threat to our free, fair, safe, and secure 2024 election and beyond if the Trump MAGA (not GOP) cult gets their way as stated in this article from RAWSTORY and seen in this short CSPAN video clip.

The basic issue is a national threat as stated in this story headline:

“Hell to pay: Sen. Tommy Tuberville threatens Dems with another January 6 national attack”

Background on this issue is also from my earlier post here re: this same subject that follows below: 

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) threatened that there would be another January 6 riot if Democrats did not pass a Republican-backed bill that would make it harder to vote.

The issue: Tuberville urged Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to schedule a vote on the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act” (SAVE Act).

That bill would require a birth certificate or U.S. passport in order to vote, even though it is already unlawful for non-citizens to participate in any and all Federal elections.

Tuberville said: The Democrats know better than this, but they want power so bad that they're going to try to tear down our election system, And, I'm going to tell you this. My first day was January the 6th in 2021. And, what's going to happen if we do not show the American people that the elections are going to be fair and they're going to be satisfied with the outcome, no matter whether Republicans win or Democrats win, you are going to have hell to pay in this country. It's coming. And, I'm not so sure that's not what the Democrats want.”

Trump also urged the GOP to shut down the government if the “SAVE Act” is not passed before the election in November.

My 2 Cents: My note to Sen. Tuberville and his cronies - your threat of another January 6 insurrection in 2025 if the “SAVE Act” (actually the MAGA GOP voter suppression bill) is not passed into law, or if Trump is not elected, is illegal.

Keep in mind Senator, threats of this kind IS NOT protected free speech cite this from SCOTUS - years ago:

Free Speech and First Amendment exceptions:

1. “There is no hate speech exception to the First Amendment rights.

2. “Threats of violence and incitement to violence are not protected.”

3. “Hate crime laws can punish violence or vandalism based on the offender targeting particular groups, but that doesn't allow punishment of supposed hate speech.”

Legal reference from Cornell University Law: 8 U.S. Code § 2102.

Tuberville and all others of that same ilk should be IAW the law cited above automatically expelled from the Senate, or likewise anyone now serving in the House.

Iron clad principle: No one is above the law. Period!!! And, especially threats of another insurrection like January 6 to overturn a free, fair, safe, and secure election – it’s just that simple!!!

Help get out the vote & stop this MAGA-Trump-cult-like madness.

Thanks for stopping by.

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