Monday, July 29, 2024

FOX Spreads False Crime Data: Guest Pete Buttigieg Quickly and Politely Corrects Them


Trump’s & FOX’s latest target phrase
(Both got the numbers/facts all wrong)

Savvy Pete Buttigieg Shuts Down Host Shannon Bream
(He offered factual data to challenge FOX)

This post updates and ties into my earlier post same subject here and it has a much clearer flair between FOX anchor Shannon Bream and her guest that day: Transportation Secy Pete Buttigieg (D-IN) on how the RNC talked about the intersectionality of immigration and crime rates.

Buttigieg criticized the lack of attention to crime rates under Trump, saying this to host Bream:  The false message of the RNC was that this [immigration] was leading to an increase in crime.”

Bream then interjected saying:If people had not been in this country illegally, people would still be alive.”

Buttigieg quickly added:Of course there are individual cases, but this is my point right, trying to make people think that crime is up when crime is down under President Biden and crime was up under Donald Trump. Now I don't know how often that gets reported on this network. So if you're watching this at home, do yourself a favor and look up the data.

Bream responded:We invite that.”

From the NEWSWEEK article hard factual data:

1. There have been 2,222,770 encounters with migrants nationwide so far in the fiscal 2024, which began in October, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

NOTE: Some research has indicated that immigrants commit less crimes than U.S.-born people – see below:

* NPR previously reported research from economist Ran Abramitzky from Stanford University found that since the 1960s, immigrants are 60% less likely to be incarcerated than U.S.-born people.

* * In addition, investigations by The New York Times and The Marshall Project found that between 2007 and 2016, there was no link between undocumented immigrants and a rise in violent or property crime in those communities.

2. The latest quarterly statistics released in June by the FBI known as the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), the rate of violent and property crimes dropped in the first three months of 2024 compared to the same period last year.

3. The murder rate fell by 26.4%; rapes decreased by 25.7%;  robberies fell by 17.8%; aggravated assault fell by 12.5%; and the overall violent crime rate went down by 15.2%.

4. In 2020 under Trump, violent crime was up 5.6 percent from 2019 with an estimated 1,277,696 such violent crimes

When compared with the estimates from 2019, the estimated number of robbery offenses fell 9.3%; the estimated volume of rape (revised definition) offenses decreased 12%; the estimated number of aggravated assault offenses rose 12.1%; and the volume of murder and non-negligent manslaughter offenses increased 29.4%.

My 2 Cents: There is no substitute for the factual truth of any media story, etc., as the above illustrates clearly as they and it runs wild.

The problem it seems to me that everything is just too political with people stuck in their silos with people who believe only what they choose to believe, and the facts be damned, or so it seems more and more lately.

The basic root of what’s wrong today across all political lines it seems to me is that fact checking is too difficult. It’s just easier to blame.

Thanks for stopping by.

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