Sunday, August 7, 2022

Inflation Reduction Act of 2022: Ready to Pass the DEM Senate Despite GOP Landmines

Historical bill ready for passage by the DEMS 
(Despite prolonged GOP opposition)

Overnight – nearly all night – the DEMS worked to pass this historical bill reported on here from ABC This Week and this headline:

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) is confident DEMS tax, health, and climate bill will pass but admits delayed impact on inflation

Senate DEMS have been fending off a series of GOP amendments to the bill.

Sen. Coons offered an excellent explanation of the bill saying in part that he was as confident the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) would pass – but conceded that any impact the legislation has on inflation would not be immediate.

He added:The Democrats in our Senate caucus have stayed unified throughout the night. Every single amendment vote of the dozens we've taken so far we've and defeated Republican efforts to knock down this important, even landmark, piece of legislation that will reduce prescription drug prices, reduce health care costs, reduce the deficit, and make a big down payment on combating climate change.”

The full 6-minute video interview can also be seen here.

My 2 Cents: The GOP’s bottom line overall as usual is “it costs too much.” 

Okay Mr. and Mrs. GOP what is lower Rx prices for your senior constituents worth; how much is cleaner, safer air worth; and why can’t the giant corporations pay their fair share of taxes? 

Also, how despicable is this from the GOP: They mobilized to quash one of the DEM key plans to lower Rx drug costs. GOP lawmakers successfully invoked Senate rules to strip from the bill a plan to cap the price of insulin at $35 for diabetics who obtain it through private insurance. 

B/L: The GOP again proves (as if we didn't already know) that they favor big insurance businesses helping them raise tons of Rx money from needy seniors but okaying it, I guess, if Medicare pays for their insulin - just keep government hands off private insurance costs, um? 

However, DEMS preserved a provision that applies the cap to seniors on Medicare. End of story for this GOP who is again in lockstep and stuck on stupid or so it seems. 

The GOP keeps blaming and ducking serious problems while doing zilch which is SOP for them. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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