Thursday, April 21, 2022

Sen. McConnell & Rep. McCarthy: Turncoats in the GOP and Worse on the Country


Sen. Mitch McConnell & Rep. Kevin McCarthy: Bootlickers
(Donald J. Trump: The Boot) 

McCarthy and McConnell pre- and post-January 6 news from the NY Times; Yahoo News; Politico; MSNBC; The Nation; Political Wire, and a few other mainstream news sites with this headline:

“I’ve Had It With This Guy.” GOP Leaders Privately Blasted Trump After January 6”

A prime real estate to a “scoop” from New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, and excerpt from their new book: This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle forAmerica’s Future.”

It’s full of direct Trump-bashing quotes from GOP Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and GOP House minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). 

The headline quote is from McCarthy. Also in the story he seriously considered telling Trump to resign, and other Republicans in the House agreed with him that Trump’s behavior deserved swift punishment.

Politico leads with the money quote of McConnell privately telling his top advisers:The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us. If this isn’t impeachable, I don’t know what is.”

McCarthy asked colleagues:Whether he should call on Trump to resign for his role in stoking the violent attack.”

McConnell told allies: Impeachment was warranted.”

But McCarthy’s and McConnell’s fury faded fast out of fear and retribution from Trump who has a firm grip on the GOP base.

McCarthy also told other GOP leaders he wished the big tech companies would strip some Republican lawmakers of their social media accounts – members such as Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) had done so much to stoke paranoia about the 2020 election and made offensive comments online about the Capitol attack, he added saying: “We can’t put up with that.” 

Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH) cautioned that conservative voters back home “would go ballistic” in response to criticism of Trump,

He then demanded instead to train denunciations on Democrats, such as Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden saying:I’m just telling you that that’s the kind of thing that we’re dealing with, with our base.”

By the end of the month, McCarty was pursuing a rapprochement with Trump, visiting him at Mar-a-Lago and posing for a photograph. (“I didn’t know they were going to take a picture,” McCarthy said, somewhat apologetically, to one frustrated lawmaker.)

McCarthy has never repeated his denunciations of Trump, instead offering a tortured claim that the real responsibility for January 6 lies with security officials and Democratic legislative leaders for inadequately defending the Capitol complex. 

On a phone call with several other top House Republicans on January 8, McCarthy said Trump’s conduct on January 6 had been “atrocious and totally wrong.” He faulted the president for “inciting people” to attack the Capitol, saying that Trump’s remarks at a rally on the National Mall that day were “not right by any shape or any form.”

During that conversation, McCarthy inquired about the mechanism for invoking the 25th Amendment — the process whereby the vice president and members of the Cabinet can remove a president from office — before concluding that was not a viable option. McCarthy, who was among those who objected to the election results, was uncertain and indecisive, fretting that the Democratic drive to impeach Trump would “put more fuel on the fire of the country’s divisions.

McCarthy’s resolve seemed to harden as the gravity of the attack — and the potential political fallout for his party — sank in.

Two Trump Cabinet had quit their posts after the attack and several moderate Republican governors had called for the president’s resignation.

In the Senate, McConnell’s reversal was no less revealing. Late on the night of January 6, McConnell predicted to associates that his party would soon break sharply with Trump and his acolytes; the Republican leader even asked a reporter in the Capitol for information about whether the Cabinet might really pursue the 25th Amendment.

When that did not materialize, McConnell’s thoughts turned to impeachment. On Monday, January 11, McConnell met over lunch in Kentucky with two longtime advisers, Terry Carmack and Scott Jennings. Feasting on Chick-fil-A in Jennings’ Louisville office, the Senate Republican leader predicted Trump’s imminent political demise, saying: “The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us” (referring to the imminent impeachment vote in the House).

Once the House impeached Trump, it would take a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict him. That would require the votes of all 50 Democrats and at least 17 Republicans in the Senate — a tall order, given that Trump’s first impeachment trial in 2020 had ended with just one Republican senator, Mitt Romney of Utah, voting in favor of conviction.

But McConnell knew the Senate math as well as anyone and he told his advisers he expected a robust bipartisan vote for conviction. After that, Congress could then bar Trump from ever holding public office again.

The president’s behavior on January 6 had been utterly beyond the pale, McConnell said:If this isn’t impeachable, I don’t know what is.”

In private, at least, McConnell sounded as if he might be among the Republicans who would vote to convict. Several senior Republicans, including John Thune (SD) and Rob Portman (OH) told confidants that McConnell was leaning that way.

Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader, privately told leaders of several liberal advocacy groups that he believed his Republican counterpart (McConnell) was angry enough to go to war with Trump adding: “I don’t trust him, and I would not count on it, but you never know.”

Schumer was right to be skeptical.

Once the proceedings against Trump moved from the House to the Senate, McConnell took the measure of Republican senators and concluded that there was little appetite for open battle with a man who remained — much to McConnell’s surprise — the most popular Republican in the country.

In February, McConnell voted to acquit Trump even as seven other Senate Republicans joined with Democrats to muster the largest bipartisan vote ever in favor of conviction in a presidential impeachment trial.

Anxious not to be seen as surrendering to Trump, McConnell went to the Senate floor after the vote to deliver a scorching speech against the former president.

But McConnell then went mostly silent about Trump after that point. He still avoids reporters’ questions about the former president and only rarely speaks about January 6.

For example, in a Fox News interview in late February, he was asked whether he would support Trump in 2024 if he were again the GOP nominee and he answered in one word: “Absolutely.”

My 2 Cents: This article shows without any doubt the hypocrisy of McCarthy and McConnell, and a lot of other Republicans in office,

Both of those two want to retain their leadership after 2022 with McCarthy’s dream becoming “Speaker McCarthy”, and McConnell taking over as GOP Senate Majority Leader.

In my view that must never ever happen for obvious reasons – we need national unity and NOT more GOP hypocritical-driven disunity and division ever since 2020 and still worse every passing day.

Thanks for stopping by.

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