Thursday, April 28, 2022

Nutty Lindell; Goofy Powell; Pitiful Rudy: Lying, Cheating, Corrupt, Deceiving Lawless Dummies

My Pillow guy confabs with two 2020 election nuts 
(Mike Lindell; Sydney Powell; Rudy Giuliani)

Newest 2020 election fraud story: This article ties Trump lackey Mike Lindell (My Pillow CEO) into the other two stories that follow .

His story is from with this headline:

Unprecedented in modern elections: Trump conspiracy theorists breach voting systems in five states

One earlier story: Shows FOX News, Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Newsmax, OAN, and Overstock all being sued about election fraud claims in some $2.7 billion from the Smartmatic defamation suit reported on from CNBC

A related story is here from Business Insider re: Dominion subpoenas for those three to testify in Dominion vs. FOX suit.

The third earlier story: Report here from Reuters news regarding similar false charges in the lawsuit from Dominion re: voting machines cheating.

My 2 Cents: I hope everyone sees the fraud in these three high profile stories involving Republicans who BTW are all staunch Trump loyalists and NOT democrats, Biden or his family, the DNC, or any State officials, et al.

Yes, those three are election fraud conspiracy spreaders. And, yes, all three of them are bigtime Republicans and NOT Democrats that they accuse all the time of rigging and stealing the election from Trump. 

I call their tactic the duck, dodge, deny, and deflect two step.

Those three now are headed for the trash heap of history with their Golden Raspberry awards for their lousy lying lowdown performances. Here handle it with care:

The Razzie Award

Enjoy further research.

Thanks for stopping by.

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