Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Proud Boys Chief Indicted: He's a Career Criminal to be Prosecuted for His January 6 Action

Proud Boys guru Henry EnriqueTarrio

Proud Boys organizer and so-called leader is Henry “Enrique” Tarrio: His organization is a far-right, neo-fascist, male-only political organization, and he is a career criminal who has a police record to prove it.

The latest on him is here from AFP News with this headline:

Leader of Proud Boys far-right militia charged over Capitol riot

Tarrio gas been indicted on conspiracy and other charges along with five other members of the organization according to Matthew Graves, U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, who is leading the sprawling probe into the January 6.2021 insurrection of the Capitol.

Tarrio, a fervent supporter of Trump, is not accused of physically breaching the Capitol building along with hundreds-strong mob of Trump’s supporters who overran the building that houses Congress on January 6, 2021 as lawmakers gathered to certify Joe Biden's 2020 election win over Trump.

Rather, he is indicted for “…leading the advance planning, and as he remained in contact with other members of the Proud Boys during their breach of the Capitol.”

His past criminal record is extensive:

In 2004: Tarrio, when he was 20 years old, he was convicted of theft. He was sentenced to three years of probation, community service, and ordered to pay restitution.

In 2013: Tarrio was sentenced to 30 months of which he spent 16 in a federal prison for rebranding and reselling stolen medical devices.

January 4, 2021: Tarrio was arrested in D.C. and charged with one misdemeanor count of destruction of property.

December 12, 2020: According to a police spokesperson his arrest was in connection to the burning of a BLM banner stolen from a church in D.C. during a pro-Trump rally on. At the same time, Tarrio was charged with two felony counts of possession of high-capacity firearms magazines, which he had on him during his arrested.

January 5, 2021: As a condition of his release on bail, Tarrio was banned from entering Washington except for trial or even meeting with his lawyers.

The FBI said they arrested Tarrio in an attempt to prevent the 2021 Capitol attack.

July 19, 2021: Tarrio pleaded guilty to a destruction of property charge and a reduced charge of attempting to possess a high-capacity feeding device.

August 23, 2021: Tarrio received a 155 day prison sentence, more than the 90 days requested by DOJ prosecutors.

September 6, 2021: Tarrio began serving his sentence.

November 2021: Tarrio made a request for early release based on poor living conditions in the D.C. jail – it was denied.

November 2021: At least two dozen Proud Boys members and affiliates had been indicted for their alleged roles in the in the January 6 insurrection.

November 2021: Tarrio and the Proud Boys were subpoenaed by the House Select Committee in relating to the organization's alleged involvement.

March 2022: Tarrio was indicted on a conspiracy charge by the DOJ for his involvement in organizing the January 6 attack. 

My 2 Cents: Simple to apply an old Trump rant to Tarrio in this case: “Lock him up, Lock him up.” Looks like he will be, too.

This man is a menace to society at large.

He is a career criminal and with his group “clearly a present danger.”

He needs the full force of law.

Thanks for stopping by.

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