Tuesday, February 22, 2022

For the January 6 Committee: Call Ginni Thomas to Testify About Her Role in The Capitol Assault


Justice Thomas & wife Ginni arrive at White House
(State Dinner Event in 2019)

Very big news here from Business Insider and related story from The New Yorker with this general headline:

Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas' wife had ties to January 6 rally organizers and efforts to overturn the 2020 election: report.


Is Ginni Thomas a Threat to the Supreme Court?

Behind closed doors, Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife is working with many groups directly involved in controversial cases before the Court and earlier with the January 6 rioters.

Key story bullet points:

·  Ginni Thomas had ties to organizers of a January 6, 2021, rally (The NY Times reports). 

·  The Times also reported on her connections with people who sought to overturn the 2020 election.

·  Thomas served on the board of a conservative group that pushed members to challenge the results. 

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, had ties to organizers of the January 6, 2021, rallies in support of President Donald Trump, and efforts to subvert the 2020 election results (that according to a New York Times Magazine report published).

The Times revealed details about Thomas' role, which had been previously unreported. 

The Washington Post reported last month that Thomas shared a Facebook post on January 6 before the violence broke. She wrote: “LOVE MAGA people!!!! GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU STANDING UP OR PRAYING.” 

Ginni Thomas is a longtime conservative activist who played a peacemaking role among rally organizers “so that there wouldn't be any division around January 6” that according to Dustin Stockton, who helped organize the Ellipse rally (told The NY Times).

The rally on the Ellipse, just south of the White House, took place shortly before a crowd of Trump supporters descended on the Capitol, clashed with law enforcement, and interrupted the 2020 election certification.

Stockton also said: The way it was presented to me was that Ginni was uniting these different factions around a singular mission on January 6.”

Note: The NY Times noted that other rally organizers disputed Stockton's account about Thomas but did not offer specifics.

Ginni Thomas’ affiliations and activities:

She served on the advisory board of Turning Point USA, a conservative nonprofit that sponsored the event and provided buses for rally goers on January 6, The Times reported.

FYI: Turning Point’s founder is Charlie Kirk – a huge promoter of conspiracy theories see below.

Kirk promotes the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory, and has described universities as “islands of totalitarianism.” 

In a 2015 speech at the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley, Kirk stated that he had applied to West Point, but was not accepted. He said that “the slot he considered his went to a far less-qualified candidate of a different gender and a different persuasion” whose test scores he claimed he knew. 

He later told the New Yorker in 2017 that he was being sarcastic when he said it, and in the Chicago Tribune in 2018 he said “he was just repeating something he'd been told” while at a NH 2019 Turning Point event featuring Rand Paul and never said it all.  

On July 7, 2018, Kirk falsely claimed on social media that Justice Department statistics showed an increase in human trafficking arrests from 1,952 in the year 2016 to 6,087 in the first half of 2018. 

He deleted the tweet without an explanation the next day, after a fact-checker had pointed out that the false 2018 number had originated on conspiracy site 8chan.  

In December 2018, Kirk falsely claimed that protesters in the French yellow vests movement chanted “We want Trump.” These false claims were later repeated by President Trump himself.

In defending the Trump administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kirk falsely stated that during the H1N1 swine flu pandemic it “took Barack Obama millions infected and over 1,000 deaths before he declared it a public health emergency.”

Kirk has spread falsehoods about voter fraud and the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Forbes, Kirk is known for “his repudiation of liberal college education and embrace of pro-Trump conspiracy theories.”

On June 25, 2021, Kirk suggested in a tweet that the Surfside condominium building collapse in Florida could be the result of domestic terrorism, saying: I have spoken to several architects who believe that the building collapse in Surfside was not an act of nature. Many are saying this was domestic terrorism.”

Ginni Thomas is also connected with people who sought to undo the 2020 election results. 

John Eastman, the lawyer who wrote a memo on how Vice President Mike Pence could overturn the election results, previously clerked for Clarence Thomas at the Supreme Court and is a close friend to the couple, according to The Times. 

Steve Bannon, a onetime White House chief strategist for Trump, also endorsed efforts to challenge the election results.

She founded a group called Groundswell with Bannon's support (cite: Mother Jones report).

She also served on the board of the Council for National Policy's political arm, CNP Action, which circulated a document titled “Election Results and Legal Battles: What Now?” after the presidential election, according to The Times. 

The document urged members to call on Republican state lawmakers to challenge the 2020 election results.

In December 2020, CNP Action shared a newsletter with a report called: “Five States and the Election Irregularities and Issues,” featuring five swing states where Trump had been attempting to overturn the results

The newsletter pointed to “historical, and legal precedent for Congress to count a slate of electors different from that certified by the Governor of the state (which is not legal at all),” also according to The Times.

My 2 Cents: Yeah, that Mrs. (Justice Clarence Thomas). 

Not to add anything to the above story suffice it to say I hope the January 6 committee calls her to testify – then I can hardly wait to hear her hubby’s retort – that outta be a hoot and holler, don’t cha’ think?

Thanks for stopping by.

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