Saturday, January 22, 2022

Trump & Close Others: Finger Prints on the January 6 Coup Plan, Riot, and Everything Since

Boris Epshteyn, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis
(Trump's legal team going down with him)

Trump's Big Lie corrupted the GOP

Trump's Big Lie” in 1-one year owns the GOP

Trump'sBig Lieinfects midterm candidates
(Most now running on the Big Lie)

Excellent reporting here from CNN (edited to fit the blog) with this headline:

“Donald Trump's hands are all over the coup attempt”

(CNN) With each passing day, it seems, new revelations come to light that suggest how intimately involved then-President Donald Trump and his advisers were in the coup attempt leading up to the events of January 6, 2021.

The latest bombshell came Thursday night when CNN reported that Trump lawyer and confidant Rudy Giuliani, as well as other Trump campaign aides, spearheaded the efforts to gather alternate electors in seven swing states in an attempt to overturn Joe Biden's Electoral College victory.

CNN's Marshall Cohen, Zachary Cohen, and Dan Merica wroteGiuliani and his allies coordinated the nuts-and-bolts of the process on a state-by-state level, the sources told CNN. One source said there were multiple planning calls between Trump campaign officials and GOP state operatives, and that Giuliani participated in at least one call. The source also said the Trump campaign lined up supporters to fill elector slots, secured meeting rooms in statehouses for the fake electors to meet on December 14, 2020, and circulated drafts of fake certificates that were ultimately sent to the National Archives.

The goal of the Trump efforts? To have Vice President Mike Pence declare a dispute about which electors to seat from those seven key states, throwing the matter to the House where a Republican majority of state delegations would vote to recognize the pro-Trump electors rather than the rightful electors. That plot was laid out in a two-page memo by John Eastman, a conservative lawyer working for Trump in the aftermath of the 2020 election. 

CNN wrote of that Eastman memo late last year“The Eastman memo laid out a six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election for Trump, which included throwing out the results in seven states because they allegedly had competing electors. In fact, no state had actually put forward an alternate slate of electors -- there were merely Trump allies claiming without any authority to be electors.

As all of that was going on, Trump himself was actively pressuring Pence to throw the election back to the House despite there being no constitutional backing for such a move.

On January 5, just hours before the EC certification, Trump and Pence met at the White House. Here's how CNN described that meetingPence came under intense pressure from Trump to toss out the election results during a meeting that lasted hours in the Oval Office. The vice president's chief of staff, Marc Short, was banned by Trump from entering the West Wing, the source said, as the President repeatedly warned with 'thinly veiled threats' to Pence that he would suffer major political consequences if he refused to cooperate.

The picture of all this makes it clear: Publicly and privately, Trump and those close to him were actively working to not only undermine public confidence in the 2020 election, but also to put in motion a plan to overturn a free and fair election. 

It's damning stuff. If the past few months have taught us anything, it's the more of this picture we see, the worse things look for Trump. His role in the scatter-shot, legally suspect effort only seems to grow larger with each passing week. 

The January 6 committee will be the definitive word, but we can now see just how big a role Trump and those closest to him played in the attempted coup to keep him in office and in power at any cost to our democracy and the right to vote fairly and pick a new president.

What's even scarier though is that we had a sitting president actively trying to bend laws for his own personal gain to stay in office at any cost and he is now the frontrunner to be the Republican Party's nominee in 2024. How sick and ironic and pathetic is that?

Will  Trump be indicted and will his intent be proven to send him to jail? This one item is proof of his intent, isn't it? I think it is 100%:

His own voice & later it comes across as a threat

WASHINGTON (NY Times) — Trump pressured Georgia’s Republican secretary of state to “find” him enough votes to overturn the presidential election and vaguely threatened him with “a criminal offense” during an hourlong telephone call according to an audio recording of the conversation.

My 2 Cents: As the article notes in the fine summary this – what I scarier than the attempted coup? As for me, I see the GOP clinging to Trump and his “Big Lie” as they make a mad dash into the 2022 midterms (already GOP candidates are peddling that lie on Trump’s behalf) and then right into the big one in 2024 – and with Trump most likely leading that attack in a Coup I redux into Coup II. He just can’t let go of the fact that he lost in 2020 and more so with the overwhelming legal cases as clear evidence that he in fact lost and by over 7 million popular votes. Period.

Now, and until and unless Trump is indicted, prosecuted, tried, found guilty (which he is), sentence to jail then it’s all for naught. He goes to prison for a very long time is the best outcome for the country.

But, as usual, we shall see, so stay tuned which I’m sure everyone is.

Should that not happen what would Trump’s loyalists then do: It’s pretty simple in my view and in their many statements: Civil War II – picking up from 1865 and November 2020.

That would not be pretty not one bit. Another national bloodbath that likes we have seen and with outside forces taking advantage of an American Civil War.

Hopefully, however, sane, sound, and rational minds will prevail before we reach that stage, but, who knows for sure while we are in the middle of this awfully divided nation right now?

My other post related to this same subject is also here.

Thanks for stopping by.


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