Friday, December 24, 2021

Trump January 6 Riot Tape: As Victory Speech or More Sustained "Big Lie" for Supporters


Trump to remember January 6 in Mar-a-Lago speech

Timely and historical article here from the Business Insider with this headline:

Trump kept having to re-tape his video telling fans to leave the Capitol riot, which may explain his 187-minute silence during the attack, January 6 committee chair says

·  Trump was silent for more than three hours after his supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6.

·  The January 6 committee is trying to understand why Trump took so long to speak to his supporters.

·  Select Committee Chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson (R-MS) said Trump had to re-tape his video telling his supporters to leave the Capitol.

Trump had to reshoot a video during the Capitol riot because:He wouldn't say the right thing to tell his supporters to go home,” the chair of the January 6 committee further said: “It appears that he tried to do a taping several times, but he wouldn't say the right thing” (Chairman Thompson told The Washington Post, citing witness interviews and media reports).

Publicly, Trump remained silent for 187 minutes after his supporters breached the Capitol on January 6. 

The select committee investigating the riot is trying to understand why the former president took so long to speak as it weighs recommending criminal charges against him. 

Thompson's comments follow speculation that Trump's behavior during the riot could mean he illegally obstructed Congress.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), the vice chair of the committee, previously suggested that the committee could find Trump guilty of criminal obstruction.

In the video Trump eventually put out on January 6, he told his supporters at the Capitol “…to go home calling them very special people.”

Thompson told The Post that the fact that Trump had to keep re-taping the video was of interest to the committee because it could help explain why he took so long to speak. 

The reasons for Trump's delayed response were significant because they could help the committee decide whether to make a criminal referral against Trump, Thompson said. In that case, Congress would inform the DOJ that it believed a crime was committed, and federal prosecutors would decide whether to bring charges against Trump.

Thompson also told the Post:One of those concerns is that whether or not it was intentional, and whether or not that lack of attention for that longer period of time, would warrant a referral.”

Representatives for Trump did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

My 2 cents: There is no reason to wonder why there is no comment or response from Trump’s side – or at least at this time simply because there is no simple logical or rational reason that Trump could say that make any sense – except more of his “Big Lie.”

I believe the answer to the question posed by the Business Insider story headline is simple in my view and probably in the view of millions of others as well and experts a lot smarter than me and others is this most-logical reason why Trump waited so long to release his message the rioter is because:

a. First and foremost, he wanted to wait see whether the attack did succeed and disrupt the EC certification and would keep him office as he had planned as the expected outcome, or

b. He waited over 187-minutes before issuing his message knowing full and well the riot had failed and he indeed he had lost the 2020 election.

From Rolling Stone on Trump’s January 6 speech before the rioters hit the Capitol were extremely calming that Trump stated on Fox TV seen in the video link these 4 key points:

1.  “And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

2.   “All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical-left Democrats, which is what they’re doing … We will never give up, we will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved.”

3.  “Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that’s what this is all about … We will stop the steal.”

4.  “Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong.”

There was only one way Trump could brag as he always does and not accept defeat and that was to issue that fluffy weak video message thanking the rioters for their effort, telling them to go home in peace after trying to save the country and keep him in office.

Trump has tried to prove every day since the election and in fact, even days before the first vote was even cast that the election would be “rigged” against him, and even now ever since the election, he still claims he won and that President Joe Biden is in office “illegally.”

Trump continues that same “Big Lie” today despite all his efforts to stay in power now even after losing over 60 court cases all the way to the USSC, counts, recounts, audits, and even recounts of the audits like the failed miserable AZ Cyber Ninjas clown show, or losing GA  five times, and now with an ongoing criminal investigation there.

Even judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans have dismissed the cases. 

Trump’s AG William Barr, widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal Cabinet members, said in December of 2020 that “…there was no evidence of widespread fraud that would change the election's outcome.”

Simply stated: Trump can never accept defeat and that he lost, period.

The simplest solution to all this is to charge, prosecute, try, convict, and put Trump in prison – and that will end this national nightmare.

End of story.

Thanks for stopping by.

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