Saturday, October 30, 2021

Most-Dangerous Combo Ever: FOX News & Trump-Loving Republicans in Congress

FOX & Republicans Demand: We want the truth!
(Col. JessupYou can’t handle the truth!)

My short introduction to the following story from various sources that is apt to get a lot of headlines along with more GOP wackiness.

GOP members of Congress are outraged as this FOX news article shows in the most-disgusting and perhaps outrageous way to date.

But in typical fashion just like the old Wendy’s TV hamburger commercial grandmother asks: “Where’s the beef?”

Or like the late great Paul Harvey used say when he introduced a hot button story: “Now the rest of the story.”

Below is the growing story seen from various sides with the full story (not FOX’s condensed red meat version) showing what is missing from the FOX and GOP spin are the facts, or just like Sgt. Joe Friday used to say (or not) on the “Dragnet” TV show when investigating a case: “Just the facts, Ma’am.”

Here is the story. I have boxed off what FOX ignores along with the hyped letter from the GOPers in Congress and as usual in typical raw partisanship statements.

The basic story is here from the Washington Post with this headline – surely to dominate the news for many days, weeks, and months to come:

“Biden administration is negotiating financial compensation for families separated at border by Trump”

Note: This WaPo piece was updated from their earlier article above.

Migrant families separated during Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” border crackdown are in talks with the Biden administration to receive significant financial compensation for the ordeal, according to three people familiar with the settlement negotiations. The dollar amounts remain under discussion.

One person with knowledge of the negotiations said payouts could total $450,000 per person, with some families potentially receiving $1 million.

The Background: The Trump administration took more than 3,000 children away from their parents along the Mexican border in May-June 2018, the peak of Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” prosecution effort.

DHS officials say the total number taken while Trump was in office probably exceeds 5,500 children.

In most cases, the children were separated from their parents by border agents and sent to government shelters, while their mothers and fathers were jailed to face prosecution for entering the country illegally.

Trump officials launched the crackdown with little interagency coordination and no effective system to track and reunite children with their parents, resulting in bureaucratic chaos, according to federal courts and oversight reports.

1. Physicians for Human Rights, a New York-based human rights organization, called the separations “torture.”

2. The American Academy of Pediatrics told CNN that it amounted to child abuse.

Brought to America, Taken From Parents, All Alone
(Trump’s Zero Tolerance policy impacted children)

Related: Deleted families: What went wrong with Trump’s separation effort?

Lee Gelernt, an ACLU attorney who has led the legal effort to reunite the families and has filed a class-action lawsuit seeking damages, declined to discuss the ongoing negotiations, which were first reported by the WSJ, he says:Given the harm these families suffered, especially the young children, and that the harm was deliberately inflicted by our government, they deserve not only adequate monetary compensation but the chance to remain in the United States so that they can have a chance to lead a safe, healthy life. I am hopeful that families will receive holistic relief as President Biden promised.”

Attorneys for DHS, the DOJ, and HHS all have been involved in the settlement discussions, said one of the people familiar with the negotiations, who, like others, was not authorized to discuss the sensitive talks. DHS referred inquiries to the DOJ.

A spokeswoman for the DOJ declined to comment.

Chad Wolf, the former Trump DHS acting secretary who also was the department’s Chief of Staff during those separations, criticized the potential settlements on Twitter, writing:There are no limits to what this Administration will do. Everything they have touched re: border security / immigration is wrong for America But this may be at the top of the list.”

Related: Trump’s administration used an early, unreported program to launch family separations.

Lawyers for families have been meeting with Federal government officials for months as part of their “ effort to settle federal lawsuits and administrative tort claims over the separations, federal court records show.

KEY FACT: Separate from the ACLU lawsuit, attorneys and advocates had filed other claims over the separations even before Biden took office.

Those cases were often handled individually or in small groups by pro bono attorneys and filed under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Note: This aspect FOX and the GOPers in their letter skip over in their one-sided bent out of shape reporting with outrageous headlines with few legal details which is both GOP and FOX strategy to keep the focus on Biden who was not even if office when the lawsuits against Trump hit the courts.

But the Biden administration began considering a standardized way to handle the lawsuits, offering families compensation depending on trauma the parents and children suffered while in U.S. government custody.

The ACLU and other lawyers said in an October 20 court filing that they had made “meaningful progress toward settlement” and asked the judge to stay proceedings through December 13 so negotiations could continue.

Among the plaintiffs in one ACLU lawsuit filed in 2019 in Arizona are two children, ages 7 and 8, who sobbed as they were pulled from their mother; a 7-year-old girl who fell asleep and woke up to discover that her father had vanished; and a 13-year-old girl handcuffed on Christmas Day to control her while her mother was taken away.

The lawsuits say in part:Defendants destroyed families to inflict severe pain on Central American immigrants, hoping that this would cause them to abandon their asylum cases and deter other Central Americans from seeking asylum or other immigration relief in the United States.”

People close to the settlement agreement say that $450,000 may end up being roughly the average compensation, but will vary.

Some parents may not receive any compensation at all, depending on any criminal charges against them. Others still have not filed tort claims. Advocates have raised concerns that publicizing possible financial settlements could put families in danger. Some 1,000 parents remain separated from their children. Most still live in Central America where criminals engage in kidnapping and extortion.

Noteworthy: The first families reunified under the Biden administration crossed back into the United States in early May. A total of roughly 60 families have been reunified since then — a pace much slower than many advocates had hoped for.

My 2 Cents: This story will be followed closely and updated. 

F/N: Fair or not is the issue, but be sure the attorneys are looking at big bucks, too in any settlement(s).

Thanks for stopping by.

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