Sunday, September 5, 2021

Ask Abe Lincoln: America is Badly Divided and Collectively We Need to Reverse Course ASAP

Abe Lincoln was 100% accurate
(Chaos galore: Near Civil War II)

Many moving parts in our divided nation
(This is #1: Otherwise all else is moot)

Democracy depends on a free and independent press and that's why tyrants and dictator wannabes try to squelch it.

Below are seven techniques demagogues use to erode the freedom of speech and the press to show their independence leading up to them trying to take over their country in their name and for their own selfish causes.

Does any of it sound like words we have heard recently? They all sound familiar to me:

1. Berate the Media: “We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful, dishonest media who get it all wrong – they are the network of liars and they are the Enemy of the People.” 

2. Blacklist most mainstream media (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NY Times, Washington Post, et al): Blacklisting news outlets whose coverage they don’t approve of and usually sticking mainly to one source (e.g., Fox News and one or two favorable Talk Radio shows and not much else – except the occasional rumor or conspiracy).

3. Turn the public against the media: Name calling reporters as “lying, dishonest, disgusting, and scum, adding: “I hate some of these people, but I’d never kill ‘em.” (Offshoot of a Putin quip).

4. Condemn satire and critical reporting on TV and Radio: For example actor Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of Trump on SNL. They are “Totally one-sided, biased, and not funny. Plus, where is our equal time?”

5. Threaten the mainstream media directly: Change libel laws making it easier sue news organizations or cancel their broadcasts, or make it harder for them to even get a license.

6. Bypass the media and message directly to the public: The one-sided/or lopsided coverage is constant and consistently in their corner and favor with plenty of airtime while keeping in mind that by and large, the general public keeps informed and learns via Facebook, constant Tweets, and lopsided social media sites that favors your single issue views (e.g., election reform now), on the networks that gives them 100% airtime on call (e.g., only Fox News, QAnon, most Talk Shows, and always and only with friendly press outlets).

7. Only have carefully scripted press releases, always carefully crafted press conferences, and always showcase “experts” that are handpicked as guests for Q&A.

Let's face it, we have several issues lingering and dividing us – a lot of chatter and talk over the airwaves, but what’s missing: Solutions.

Those key areas are:

* No 2020 election final closure based on Trump's Big Lie (i.e., he keeps saying: Biden lost - I won; election was rigged.”), and all contrary to tons of evidence that proves he is lying and that he lost.

*  CoVID-19 pandemic and anti-vaxxer resistance mostly based on conspiracies (e.g., animal dewormer works).

* Texas’ new anti-abortion law (not even allowed at 6-weeks) and citizens can earn a $10,000 bounty for reporting violators.

* Election law changes all across mostly RED state America threatening our constitutional right to vote free, fair, safe, and secure.

My 2 Cents: Only what I offered above (huge smile). 

I would however, keep reminding people of Lincoln's above quote. Truer words were never spoken.

Thanks for stopping by.

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