Monday, August 30, 2021

January 6 House Select Committee: Seeks GOP Lawmakers' Telecom Records More May Follow



Are they worried yet – they look like it
(January 6 was huge mistake)

Major headline from NBC News vis-à-vis the January 6 House committee seeking phone records of Republican lawmakers' records:

“January 6 House Committee to Ask Phone Companies for Republican Lawmakers' Records”

WASHINGTON — The House select committee that’s investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S.  Capitol is preparing to ask telecommunications companies to preserve the phone records of a group of Republican lawmakers (multiple sources confirmed to NBC News). The request was first reported by CNN.

The Select Committee is eyeing the records of 11 House Republicans:

Lauren Boebert (CO); Jim Jordan (OH); Matt Gaetz (FL) (both pictured above); Mo Brooks (AL); Madison Cawthorn (NC); Louie Gohmert (TX); Marjorie Taylor Greene & Jody Hice (both from GA); Scott Perry (PA); Andy Biggs & Paul Gosar (both from AZ).

Note: The list of lawmakers is still evolving, and Select Committee declined to comment.

Rep. Mo Brooks (AL) tweeted today (August 30) saying:The DEM socialists and Pelosi Republicans (GOP Reps Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) both committee members), are trying to seek his phone records. Three results: (1) A total waste of taxpayer money, (2) Boredom for who looks at my records, and (3) Russian Collusion Hoax 2.0. Why not subpoena Socialists who support BLM & ANTIFA?”

Last week, the Select Committee demanded records related to the attack of Federal officials, a number of Trump allies, and staffers, including some of the former president’s family members.

In July, after the committee was formed, Cheney said that the panel could call Jordan as a material witness and could also subpoena House Minority Leader McCarthy and even Trump.

The committee has so far held one hearing in which they heard from several police officers who were involved in responding to the January riot.

Articles also related to this subject:

·  Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) backs subpoenaing Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) Minority Leader in the Jan. 6 probe

·  Trump fights Jan. 6 “leftist requests with Executive Privilege”

My 2 Cents: I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that now more so based Rep. Mo Brooks’ crazy tweet that those GOPers are very worried, as well as angry, and rightly so.

If there sound illegal evidence can be shown of coordination between any of them with Trump or anyone else close to him, or in coordination among themselves, then they deserve the fullest extent of punishment under the law including expulsion from Congress for crimes against the United States in that insurrection attempt by Trump loyalists.

But, we shall see, so stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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