Saturday, July 24, 2021

January 6 Select Committee: Fox's Spin is Nonsense Slant Away from Trump to DEMS


Laura Ingraham Bigtime Fox Spinner of Craziness
(January 6 is Pelosi's fault)

Ingraham: Number Means Nothing a DEM Ploy
(They were peaceful tourists)

Ingraham says Pelosi stunt to keep power

(Skips McCarthy's ploy with these five)

Laura Ingraham on FOX full of lies, spewing line of BS, and as usual full of herself. Watch the 10 minutes of her shear, wild, right wing routine craziness – that clings to her audience and keeps then in tow. 

Ingraham's full 10 minute video [click here] but have a barf bag handy.

My 2 Cents: How can anyone watch and listen to her or Tucker Carlson or Hannity and not feel sleazy as they are? It totally boggles the mind to see how they keep the right so fired up lies and crazy conspiracy story slants.

I suppose Fox’s audience simply takes them at face value and that my friends is a very dangerous route to follow.

That is going with one program, one set of views, or one source is really a bad precedence to follow for anyone about any story they hear or see on TV or Talk Radio.

But, then again as Trump said in Nevada in 2016: “I love the poorly educated” (click and watch that here). 

Apparently, FOX loves the dumbed-down viewers, too.

Thanks for stopping by.

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