Saturday, May 22, 2021

January 6 Crazy Getting Crazier: The Horned "Shaman" Guy a Real Cuckoo, Ding-a-ling Whacko


QAnon Sent Him on Orders from Trump: Plain as Day

January 6: Autism now an excuse in play – cite this from NBC’s THINK page with this headline:

The *QAnon Shaman’s lawyer blames autism for his client's January 6 actions. Here's how wrong he is.”

Lawyers regularly invoke autism to excuse their clients' actions, both playing into and adding to the stigma faced by other people on the autism spectrum.

*QAnon: Also simply known as Q, is a discredited American far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles run a global child sex trafficking ring and conspired against Donald J. Trump during his term in office.

They are commonly described as a cult.

Intro from the article here in part:

Autistic people advocating on their own behalf in recent years have been pushing society to accept the idea of neurodiversity, which argues that autism (and other neuroatypical conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia and more) are not problems that need to be cured as much as they are different permutations of humanity and, therefore, people with these conditions deserve to be treated as equal citizens.

But demanding the right to equal treatment comes with the equal social responsibilities as one’s neurotypical counterparts. Autism and other neuroatypical conditions are not and cannot be literal “get out of jail free” cards and cannot and should not absolve neuroatypical people of their worst actions.

But in part because of the persistent myths about autism and the social stigmas that have been attached to people with the disorder, it’s become an increasingly convenient scapegoat for people’s harmful actions.

Albert Watkins, the lawyer for Chansley, is now saying that his client’s supposed Asperger’s syndrome should play a factor in the disposition of his case. His excuses for his client are just the latest example of people using autism to excuse someone’s bad behavior, no matter how unrelated it may be to their actions.

Watkins told Talking Points Memo this odd statement: His client had Asperger’s syndrome and he indicated that Chansley’s mental state — and the impact of Trump’s “propaganda efforts”— would play a role in his case. 

Watkins continued in this very gross way:A lot of these defendants — and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully — but they’re all f**king short-bus people. These are people with brain damage, they’re f**king retarded, they’re on the G*d damn spectrum. But they’re our brothers, our sisters, our neighbors, our coworkers — they’re part of our country. These aren’t bad people, they don’t have prior criminal history. F**k, they were subjected to four-plus years of G*d damn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since f**king Hitler.” 

Another particularly remorseful defendant, Anthony Antonio, says he was sick with a novel disease, Foxitis when he entered the Capitol through a broken window on January 6.

At least that’s what his attorney Joe Hurley argued during an initial appearance earlier this month. Antonio is currently out of detention.

Antonio, through Hurley, said he was stuck at home for months due to the pandemic watching endless hours of the cable TV and eventually came to accept Trump’s bogus claims of a stolen election.

Hurley said the “Foxitis” claim wasn’t a defense in itself, but rather crucial context — an explanation of why his client marched to the Capitol in the first place, he added:

“I want to separate him out from that herd of thugs that belong behind bars to set an example for the rest of the thugs that are out there. Foxitis remark, is not a defense — it’s pointing the finger of accusation where it belongs: to the slithery snake.” 

Full TPM article continues here.

My 2 cents: Seems to me that the Shaman guy and guys like him need new lawyers. And, Antonio attorney’s remark about they were just following the “slithery snake” I presume he was referring to Donald J. Trump?

A lot of craziness will come in these pending now early 500 court cases for those charged for the January 6 insurrection – for surely it was. It’s gonna be wild and crazy, just wait and see.

Sadly, a lot is on the line: like our entire democratic and judicial systems not even to say our electoral system – and yes, all thanks to the horrible tactics of Trump – that cannot be dismissed – but boy watch the Republicans try – which they already are in full force as they run scared of Trump and his lock on their party. Stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.


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