Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Three Cheers for “Weed”: Making it 100% Fully Legal Nationwide — Whoopee or Not


New Allegiance for Weed the People
(A little can’t hurt, right??)

Forbes report (December 4, 2020) – House votes to make “weed” legal.

That vote count is here – nearly all Republicans voted “No.”

Highlights from Forbes here with this headline:

House Passes Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana for Federal Purposes

Introduction: As more and more states legalize marijuana, pressure has been growing for Congress to take some action. This week, the House passed legislation that would end the federal ban on marijuana.

The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act (MORE Act) garnered support from both sides of the aisle, passing with a 228-164 vote in the House. Under the terms of the bill, marijuana (Schedule I substance) would be removed from the Controlled Substances Act.

History of the Criminalization of Marijuana:

In the early part of the 20th century, booze was illegal during Prohibition, but marijuana was not. 

Under the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, there was a two-part tax on the sale of marijuana, one which functioned like a sales tax and another which was more akin to an occupational tax for licensed dealers. Violations of the Act resulted in severe consequences.

In 1969, Timothy Leary (Harvard Psychologist) challenged his arrest for possession of marijuana under the Act; the case of Leary v. United States made it to the Supreme Court. The Court invalidated part of the Act as a violation of the Fifth Amendment (against self-incrimination). The result was a new law, the Controlled Substances Act, passed in 1970, which criminalized the possession or sale of marijuana. It has remained so to this day.

Full story continues at the Forbes link.

My 2 cents: I have always been against legal “weed” except for medicinal purposes and under a doctor’s strict care.

But I saw firsthand what it can do to a Marine in VN while high on marijuana that he bought in Da Nang City. He was a member of my platoon at the time. He shot and murdered his squad leader while drugged up. To my knowledge he is still serving a life term in Leavenworth (KS).

What about abuse of it … it has and it will happen, just like abuse of booze. Let’s face it, many people just can’t control it and they do bad things under the influence of both. That is the issue for me.

Now NY makes it legal and says: “But only a few plants (6) and for rec use only.” So, no harm no foul, right?

Okay with that illogic how about just a little heroin use. No biggie right, just a small dose – half a shot.

We leave it up the individual to make the choice – call it freedom of choice, right?

I firmly believe that is a big mistake.

Thanks for stopping by.

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