Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Taylor Greene, et al: Pushing for New GOP "America First Caucus" Probably for Whites Only

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) 
(Wants GOP to Be Just Like Her)

This GOP-related story from The New Republic. It ties in the new youngest GOP House member: Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC).

His story here from CNN. It ties directly into the main story above with this headline:

The Republican Party is Already an America First Caucus

The GOP is no longer the “the party of Lincoln.” 

It’s now the party of nativist cranks like Marjorie Taylor Greene and others with their obsession for only “Anglo-Saxon political traditions.” (Read: Whites only allowed).

Cawthorn at age 25 is the youngest ever in the modern age to be elected to Congress. He says about himself that he is:

* Fiscally conservative,

* Anti-abortion,

* Pro-gun,

* Immigration hardliner,

* Supports term limits for members of Congress,

* And, was homeschooled.

He came under scrutiny after he described himself on his website as a “constitutional conservative committed to defending the values of faith, family and the freedom that have made America great.”

That scrutiny came over an earlier Instagram post with picture that showed him visiting Hitler’s retreat in Germany (The Eagles Nest) in 2017 (see photo in the link).

His Instagram post also referred to Hitler as “the Fuhrer” and said that his visit to the site – a popular tourist destination documenting the horrors of the Nazi regime – had been on “my bucket list for a while and did not disappoint.”

His post caption also said:Strange to hear so many laughs and share such a good time with my brother where only 79 years ago a supreme evil shared laughs and good times with his compatriots.”

My 2 cents: Wow - that all we need now = another GOP far, far right hard conservative like Reps. Taylor Greene (GA);  Boebert (CO); Gosar (AZ); Jordan (OH); Nunes (CA); Gohmert (TX) and a few others of that same ilk with their “America First Caucus” movement discussed above and here at The New Republic site.

The GOP is in bad shape right now. More and more members are finally realizing the kind or harm those Representatives bring to their party, and it’s not pretty – not one bit.

Stay tuned as we watch them backpedal and tap-dance and change the subject – routine for the Gööfy Old Prïcks, isn’t it?

My related earlier post here McConnell vs. Taylor Greene.

Also, kind of directly related here (Washington Post).

Thanks for stopping by.


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