Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Fox Viewers: Why Do You Stick With Fox’s Unfair and Slipshod Reporting Disguised as News


The absolute worse three TV show hosts ever
(All three from Fox News) 

Case in Point: The recent Boulder, CO shooting that killed 10 people including a police officer (he was first on the scene) on March 22. This story here from Salon.com with this headline:

Fox News did not cover Boulder presser during primetime after 7th mass shooting in 7 days in the U.S.

Introduction: As CNN and MSNBC covered the first press briefing about the deadly shooting that unfolded at a Boulder grocery store, Fox News opted instead not to air anything about the massacre, instead focusing on: (1) President Joe Biden's trouble walking up a set of stairs of AF-1, and (2) complaining about the so-called “farce of social distancing.” 

The three culprits on Fox as usual are Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Tucker Carlson (see above). 

Here are the parts those three played during that horrible day as it unfolded:

* Sean Hannity: During the official police press conference, Hannity played footage of Biden stumbling up the stairs of Air Force one last week.

* Laura Ingraham: After it had been announced that ten people had lost their lives in the shooting, Ingraham nevertheless held an interview about the “farce of social distancing” (during the corona virus pandemic). 

* Tucker Carlson: As details of the shooting were revealed publicly, Carlson ran trite stories like: 


Full details of this story is at the Salon link above:

My 2 cents: So, I ask Fox loyalist viewers – how can you still stick with Fox after that shabby reporting? 

Maybe Fox viewers can try flipping channels to get a wider of view of events and not merely Fox’s one-sided, lop-sided slant. 

Maybe that kind or reporting appeals to them and they have no problems with it. If so, that's sad.

Thanks for stopping by.

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