Monday, February 15, 2021

Trump 2nd Acquittal: Multi-States Now Get a Crack at Him for Serious Pending Crimes


Trump Supporters Welcome Him Back to Florida
(Two days after his 2nd acquittal)

Wise Words from a Wise Mexican Bandito
(GOP's favorite Southern Neighbor)

Seven Brave Republican Heroes Voted Guilty
(Now the GOP punishment starts)

A few quick stats – if it matters now at all following the impeachment trial here from USA TODAY (highlights below) and this headline:

Poll: A majority of Americans say they want Trump to be unable to hold future office

Article Highlighted Poll Numbers:

A majority of Americans, 55%, say that even though Trump was acquitted in the Senate, meaning he can run for office in 2024 if he wishes.

Some 43% disagreed with that poll question, and not surprising, some 87% of Republicans surveyed said Trump should be allowed to run again in 2024.

Also, 75% of Republicans went further saying they would like to see Trump have a prominent role in the future of the Republican party

Conversely, 96% of Democrats, and 61% of Independents, said they do not to see him having a prominent role.

Interesting Quinnipiac University Analyst Tim Malloy who said: “Trump may be down, he is certainly is not out of favor with the GOP. He was twice impeached, vilified by Democrats in the trials, and virtually silenced by social media. Despite all that, Trump keeps a solid foothold in the Republican Party.”

Nearly 68% of all Americans have said Trump did not do enough to everything he could to stop the insurrection while 50% of those polled said Trump deliberately spread erroneous claims about election fraud.

Some 42% polled said that Trump truly believed the misinformation he was sharing.

Related article Only just begun says Trump as he thanks Senate Republicans for second impeachment acquittal

My 2 cents: Interesting poll numbers for those who follow poll and results – I do and there is usually some validity in those polls – but as usual, various other sources are needed, too.

Thanks for stopping by.

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