Monday, October 19, 2020

Trump-Putin Pals: Back in the Hacking Business and Six More Now on FBI's Most-Wanted List


Six More Russian Hacker No-Gooders Worldwide
(Trump May Deny Charges as Putin Fav)

Updated (October 20, 2020) on the following post here from The AP with a lot more details to fill in - it's long - just follow the link for the newer details.

Original Post Below:

WASHINGTON (NBC News) — The DOJ Monday (October 19) accused six Russian computer hackers of causing power blackouts, financial losses of nearly $1 billion and targeting the 2018 Winter Olympics in China.

Court documents said the six were officers in the Russian military's main intelligence directorate and used “some of the most destructive malware to date.” Prosecutors said it caused blackouts in Ukraine, victimized the Olympics opening ceremony, and caused losses of nearly $1 billion to PA Heritage Valley Health System and three other U.S. companies, including a large pharmaceutical manufacturer.

The Russians were also accused of:

(1) Hacking and leaking materials targeting French President Macron's political party in 2017.

(2) Attempting to interfere with the UK’s 2018 investigations into the poisoning of Russian dissident Sergei Skripal and his daughter.

(3) And, trying to compromise media in the former Soviet republic of Georgia in 2018 and 2019.

John Demers, Assistant AG for National Security, said the behavior detailed in the charges against the Russian military officers amount to an accusation of the most disruptive and destructive computer attacks ever attributed to a single group, then he added:No country has weaponized its cyber capabilities as maliciously or irresponsibly as Russia, wantonly causing unprecedented damage to pursue small tactical advantages and to satisfy fits of spite.”

Charging documents said the Russians used malware known as “Kill-Disk and Idu-stroyer,” which caused the power blackouts in Ukraine from December 2015 through 2016, and “Not-Petya,” which caused the financial losses in the U.S., and “Olympic Destroyer,” which took over thousands of computers used to support the Winter Olympics.

My 2 cents: Watch Trump and his lackeys deny this for Trump’s reelection bid strategy – plain and simple. 

Thanks for stopping by.


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