Thursday, August 20, 2020

UPDATE: Expected Trump Denials About Russian American Bounties & Now Iran Paid Too

Denials, denials, denials, denials
(The two below probably know)

Bounties on Americans: Iranian President Rouhani 
(Ask my right-hand man Vladimir not me)

This is major update on the original story that I posted hereThen the next original story follows this update (also coming quickly):

This latest from WASHINGTON (Reuters) (August 20) – President Donald J. Trump vowed to retaliate if other countries were found to have offered bounties for attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan, but he gave no indication whether his stance toward U.S. intelligence reports outlining the bounties had changed.

Reports about U.S. intelligence findings that Moscow paid the Taliban to kill American troops in Afghanistan emerged in late June. Russia denied the reports, and Trump has made clear that he did not believe them. CNN this month reported that U.S. intelligence had also indicated that Iran paid the Taliban bounties to target U.S. troops in Afghanistan as well. Reuters could not verify that story or vouch for its accuracy. Tehran on Tuesday said the report was false.

Trump, speaking at a White House event alongside the Iraqi Prime Minister, told reporters that if the reports were determined to be a fact, then: We would hit them so hard, your head would spin.”

Democrats and other critics have accused Trump, who has long pushed warmer U.S. ties with Russia, of not taking intelligence information concerning soldiers’ deaths seriously enough.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Saeed Khatibzadeh, said Iranian state TV that the reports that Tehran paid Taliban fighters to target U.S. forces and allies: Was entirely false,” adding:The United States tries to hide its miscalculations in Afghanistan by resorting to propaganda.”


U.S. officials have said they are looking into the matter while pointing to internal divisions over the intelligence.

U.S. and European government sources familiar with intelligence reporting told Reuters that fresh intelligence backed up the Russian bounty allegations.

NOTEWORTHY: Trump told Axios news in late July that he did not raise this issue with Putin during their July 23 telephone call.

Let’s be clear once again – Trump talks strong about being strong on Russian nastiness, but in reality he will NOT cross Putin in any way since Putin has him by the “short hairs” as the expression says. Those two are like twins joined at the lip.

Plus this interesting story from AlterNet:

Trump is more than Putin’s puppet — he’s an autocrat-in-training

The way I see that - agree or not?

Vladimir Putin: The Master puppeteer 

We shall see how strongly Trump reacts on this bounty issue – if he hits anyone hard, it will be Iran NOT Russia – bet on that.

Original story from here: I hope not too confusing — same topic:

Subject of bounties paid to kill Americans back in the news.
Now involves Iran on top of previous story about Russian payments.
Update and highlights here from the DAILY MAIL (UK).

Iran reportedly paid bounties to a Taliban faction to kill US and coalition troops in Afghanistan, leading to six attacks including a suicide bombing at the US airbase in Bagram.
According to a CNN report, U.S .intelligence determined that Iran paid the bounties to the Haqqani network, for the December 2019 attack on Bagram, in which two civilians were killed and more than 70 others injured – including two Americans.
The reports comes just months after similar allegations surfaced that Russia was also paying Taliban fighters to kill US troops in the region. 
Major Rob Lodewick, a Pentagon spokesman, said:The Department of Defense does not disclose timelines or discussions surrounding internal deliberations and intelligence briefings. With that being said, the department has repeatedly demanded, both publicly and privately, that Iran cease its scourge of malign and destabilizing behavior throughout the Middle East and the world. While the United States, its NATO allies and coalition partners are working to facilitate an end to 19 years of bloodshed, Iran’s inimical influence seeks to undermine the Afghan peace process and foster a continuation of violence and instability.”
These reports come nearly two months after allegations surfaced that Russia was also paying Taliban fighters at much as $100,000 per-soldier to kill Americans in Afghanistan. (See more on that below in the original post).
As stated below, the New York Times first reported on this back in June. U.S. intelligence officials at that time said that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing U.S. troops. 
Just as expected, President Donald J. Trump dismissed those early reports about Russian bounties being paid, and as he usually does, called it a “hoax.” 
That even though the White House in early July said the president had by that time been “…fully briefed on the matter, as early as March 2019” (long before the June NY Times story broke).

In a series of scathing tweets responding to that NY Times report, Trump wrote:Nobody briefed or told me, VP Pence, or Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an anonymous source by the “Fake News” New York Times. Everybody is denying it & there have not been many attacks on us.....”
That and on cue, Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany fiercely refuted that the president had known of the Russian bounty plot for months, stating:Neither the president nor the vice president were briefed on the alleged Russian bounty intelligence. This does not speak to the merit of the alleged intelligence but to the inaccuracy of The New York Times story erroneously suggesting that President Trump was briefed on this matter.”
Joe Biden, however, took the opportunity to blast Trump on the report as he spoke at a town hall in June, saying in part that, if true, “…the report contains a truly shocking revelation about the Commander-in-Chief and his failure to protect U.S. troops in Afghanistan and stand up to Russia.” 
Biden went on to say about Trump’s apparent inaction over the plot “…it’s a betrayal of the most sacred duty we bear as a nation – to protect and equip our troops when we send them into harm's way.” 
Meanwhile, a Pentagon investigation into the Russian scheme remains ongoing as the Kremlin vehemently denied the claims. 
Meanwhile, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov:There would be an enormous price to pay if Moscow was paying such bounties.”
The original details that I posted earlier about this very serious issue follow from here:
Two key points on the story that broke on June 26 by the NY Times and supported by many *sources and my Intel experience are:
Point #1: Trump’s late-night Tweet (June 28):  He claimed that he was not briefed on intelligence about a Russian bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan because the U.S. intelligence community deemed the information not credible.
He Tweeted:Intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible, and therefore did not report it to me or @VP. Possibly another fabricated Russia Hoax, maybe by the Fake News @nytimesbooks, wanting to make Republicans look bad!!!”
Point #2: Intel reported to him that the story was NOT credible and therefore a brief not necessary. Okay, but then what about this:
If neither the White House nor the DNI directly addressed the credibility of the intelligence as described to Trump but why dispute the Times's account that Trump was briefed on the information publicly?
Note: DNI and CIA did not immediately return requests for comment on that part (e.g., Trump’s claim that intelligence officials informed him the information but deemed is was not credible).
Ergo, logical conclusion: Trump knew about the story but in essence did not believe it and instead fired off that tweet blaming the media for another “hoax.” All the while also those around him said he was not briefed – so I ask: Did he know about the story, and if not, how did he know and claim it was not credible and therefore he was not briefed fully on it?
My logical view: Trump knew about the story but since it involved Russia, he did not want piss off Vladimir Putin all the while claiming the NY Times story was a “hoax” that he was briefed on.

Then add this from Press Secretary McEnany who on “Fox & Friends” (June 29) said that Congress would be briefed, but did not provide details about invitees, suggesting that the story contents had not been deemed “verified or credible” and again denying that Trump had been briefed saying (again, all very confusing): “Intelligence, we don't comment on it routinely but just so you know how it works, it is vetted for its veracity and it only goes to the president after high-level officials deem it verifiable and credible.”
Then this string of W/H double-talk from McEnany:The United States receives thousands of intelligence reports a day and they are subject to strict scrutiny. While the White House does not routinely comment on alleged intelligence or internal deliberations, the CIA Director, National Security Advisor, and the Chief of Staff can all confirm that neither the President nor the Vice President were briefed on the alleged Russian bounty intelligence. This does not speak to the merit of the alleged intelligence but to the inaccuracy of the New York Times story erroneously suggesting that President Trump was briefed on this matter.”

As I said earlier reporting on this from other reliable sources:

(1) Interrogation reports from Taliban detainees
(2) UK intelligence
(3) U.S. Special Ops troops on the ground in Afghanistan
(4) CNN
(5) Politico
(6) Reuters
(7) The Washington Post
(9) AlterNet
(10) NY Magazine
(12) EU Allies, Agents, and Informants
(14) And, yes surprisingly even from FOX News

My 2 cents: The facts of this story stand solid, except in Trump’s mind for obvious reasons: Don’t rub Putin the wrong way.

Thanks for stopping by.

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