Saturday, August 29, 2020

Trump-DeVos: Assault on Public Education Continues and Apparently Still Unchecked

Laughing at America: Her dumber than a doorknob style

Right up front and honest: I do not like nor approve of Betsy DeVos as education secretary and I have said so since day-one for so many reasons I’d need a book to prove my point, but a starting point is simple: 

She is not public educated herself and knows little if anything about public education and her backing for private schools and less funding (or total de-funding) of public schools is well documented. 

Plus, her family has given, by her own estimate, when question by Sen. Bernie Sanders in 2017 during her confirmation hearing probably “$200 million to the RNC, GOP in general, to countless Republicans in office.” (Ref: This November 2016 New Yorker article on the DeVos wealth, crimes, and donations).

Now, here we are today with this article on top of the other well-documented articles from this totally unfit, unqualified, and undeserving person running the U.S. Education Department.

Introduction here from Betsy DeVos has spent her life — and lots of her family’s money — pushing to destroy public education. And now the coronavirus pandemic is giving the Trump administration a tool to do just that, but DeVos is being all but erased from the public effort.

There’s a reason for that: DeVos has been unpopular ever since her Senate confirmation hearing. 

As people struggle with school reopening plans that are confusing, inadequate, unsafe, or all of the above, it might be counterproductive to remind them that the Trump administration’s proposed answers are in fact part of the same war against public education DeVos has been waging for a long time.

“School choice,” or, translated, funnel public money away from public schools into private schools and privately-run charter schools that don’t have to follow the same rules as public schools is and has been a centerpiece of the Republicans for years. Donald J. Trump talked about it — lying about Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s position on charter schools — as did Melania and Don Jr., among other speakers.

But while “school choice” was everywhere at the RNC, DeVos was entirely absent, not even included in a video about women in the Trump administration. That’s a clear decision. Not that “we didn’t have time to include her as a convention speaker” but an intentional omission of one of the highest-ranking women in the administration.

My 2 cents: Please help do what you can to get this administration out of our lives with the likes of Betsy DeVos, et al – who all claim to be saving America – but all the while tearing everything down one brick and tradition and piece of history at a time.

Getting rid of public education – hell we might as get rid of the Constitution along the way, too. 

No, wait maybe that is the Trump goal: One nation, under Trump, and Trump for all. Never mind then.

Anyway, this is just another dark chapter in our history and at this stage who knows which way it will turn out.

Seems our freedoms are truly at risk (but not daily as Trump and his GOP blames DEMS) but maybe, just maybe, the cause for what we see today is well, just tell them to look in the mirror, um?

Thanks again for stopping by.

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