Friday, July 17, 2020

Trump's New Target: The CDC — He Wants All Medical Data Reports Sent to W/H Not to CDC

CDC to Date Has Been Apolitical and Rightly So
(Trump wants to change that dynamic)

Story coverage here (CNN) and most other places like here (Kaiser Health News) – FYI on the apolitical CDC.

Historically (for nearly 75 years) but until a few days ago as directed by the White House: Hospitals, epidemiologists, state, local governments, and medical organizations all across the country are no longer to send their data directly to the CDC – the practice in reality is something apparently that Trump and his HHS do not know or act like they don’t know – that is the current protocols and rules explained below.

The new policy that Trump wants to implement is simple: Don’t send the info the CDC – instead it must be provided to a central White House database.

I Note: Trump wants to totally control the CDC.

History of current process seen here: Memo for Trump: Reporting of cases of communicable disease is important in the planning and evaluation of disease prevention and control programs, in the assurance of appropriate medical therapy, and in the detection of common-source outbreaks. The authority to require notification of cases of disease resides in the respective state legislatures which report to the CDC

(I Note: And, NOT to the White House and its database). 

States and the organizations listed above and in the article linked above, have for decades, sent their info and updates directly to the CDC on infections, rates, hospitalizations, and other critical medical data needed for the CDC to share and disseminate crucial decisions.

FYI: CDC was formally established in 1946 – nearly 75 years ago and not Trump want to change it and leave his mark on history?

My 2 cents: Trump needs to be reined in and I mean fast. Why is the GOP standing by him like this? This is Trump’s blatant power grab for his own selfish greedy ways as a “one-man” controller of our country – plain and simple. It must stop. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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