Sunday, July 12, 2020

Trump vs. The Truth: He Loses Again and Again but Never Ever Admits It — That's His M.O.

Trump arrives at his Golf Resort, Sterling, VA (July 11)
(I salute the woman & dog: AP Pic/Pat Semansky)

Couple of key parts of this article from The AP – I nitpicked a couple

Trump’s notion that infections are high only because the U.S. diagnostic testing has increased is false. His own health officials have shot down this line of thinking.

Infections are rising because people are infecting each other more than they were when most everyone was hunkered down.

It's true that increased testing also contributes to the higher numbers because when you look harder, you're going to see more.

Testing, however, has uncovered a worrisome trend: The percentage of tests coming back positive for the virus is on the rise across nearly the entire country.

Those who ask why – simple: The sickness is spreading and our national testing system is falling short just as Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, the primary source for updates reports:A high rate of positive tests indicates a government is only testing the sickest patients who seek out medical attention and is not casting a wide enough net.”

The best thing Trump can do is to keep quiet on this pandemic (except to offer public confidence which he seldom does) and simply allow and support the medical field to solve it.

He he must respond with help and assistance, and aid whenever requested by using Federal means and money. He must stop putting down medical experts even when their predictions or numbers, or whatever somehow do not match his, or trends - but they are right more than he ever is. He and we must trust the trained professional, experienced doctors NOT a novice doctor as Trump pretends to be. 

History shows he is seldom, if ever right about this pandemic and resulting numbers now increasing and spreading all across the country and growing nearly out of control (again like back in April).

Then he says deaths are way down and brags about that as if he caused them to decrease but again the medical facts. 

Deaths did dip as infections spiked in many parts of the country. Deaths lag sickness. Now, the widely expected upturn in deaths has begun, driven by fatalities in states in the South and West, according to analyzed data.

Dr. Fauci says: It’s a false narrative to take comfort in a lower rate of death. My advice to all Americans is don’t get yourself into false complacency.”

Analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University shows the seven-day rolling average for daily reported deaths in the U.S. increased to 664 on Friday (July 10) from 578 just two weeks ago – that was as deaths rose in more than half the states. 

That is still well below the lethal numbers of April, but as William Hanage, Harvard University infectious diseases researcher says:It’s consistently picking up, and it’s picking up at the time you’d expect it to.”

Finally, the #1 feather in Trump's golf hat or so his thinks, is the economy under him, cite this tweet (now averaging about 900 a month) he says: “Job growth is biggest in history.” — Wednesday (July 8)

Yes, that is true, but only because it is following the greatest job losses in history, by far.

The Facts: The U.S. economy shed more than 22 million jobs in March and April, wiping out nearly a decade of job growth in just two months, as the virus outbreak intensified and nearly all states shut down nonessential businesses.

Since then, 7.5 million, or about one-third, of those jobs have been recovered as businesses reopened. However, even after those gains, the unemployment rate is 11.1%, down from April and May, but otherwise higher than at any point since the Great Depression (1929-1933).

My 2 cents: The B/L here is that Trump loves to brag and fluff himself and most of the time (I’d say some 95%) he is flat-out wrong. When proven wrong he denies and calls it “fake news or a hoax” and moves on to the next circle or brags and fluffs.

He is incorrigible quite simply stated. He just an awful, horrible man wrecking the nation and yet he constantly sells others as the wrecking ball or blame – never himself. That is his skill: “The Don Con.”

Related post here re: Trump vs. the Medical Experts.

Thanks for stopping by.

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