Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Trump Hates Reading & PDB: Especially "Tell-All" Books from John Bolton and His Niece

King-in-Waiting Who Needs Constant Fluffing
(Lots of Campaign BS With Little Reality)

Mary Trump, Trump’s niece in her newly-published tell-all family memoir describes how a decades-long history of darkness, dysfunction, and brutality turned her uncle into a reckless leader. 

And, Mary Trump, a psychologist, also writes that Trump's reelection would be catastrophic and that “…lying, playing to the lowest common denominator, cheating, and sowing division are all he knows.” 

Continue reading (Source: The Boston Globe)

She says his view of the world was shaped by his desire during childhood to avoid his father's disapproval. Mary Trump turns a family history and a psychological analysis of her uncle into her book. 

Continue reading (Also from the Boston Globe).
And this mail-in voting story:

The president’s unfounded accusations that voting by mail causes widespread fraud could end up undercutting Republican candidates, alarmed party strategists say.

Read more (From the Washington Post):
And this interesting topic:

Read more (from the Washington Post)

My 2 Cents: His niece has opened up whole new world about who Donald J. Trump really is with her “tell-all book.” 

Bolton did earlier with his book. Trump tried unsuccessfully to stop both from being published. 

Trump hates anybody or anything about him coming to the public’s attention.

John Bolton’s book and Niece Mary Trump’s book are both hot items and flying off the shelves with big sales, and now we know why.

Thanks for stopping by.

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