Sunday, May 31, 2020

Trump: Following Roadmap for Tyrants & Dictators to Gain, Abuse, and Retain Power Forever

Agree or Not: Can’t Dispute His Own Words & Actions

Sources for this story – read them in order to see my point:

ABC News: President Trump has repeatedly distanced himself from acts of violence in communities across America, dismissing critics who point to his rhetoric as a potential source of inspiration or comfort for anyone acting on even long-held beliefs of bigotry and hate.

Example: Last year, four days after a 21-year-old allegedly posted an anti-immigrant screed online and then allegedly opened fire at a Walmart in El Paso killing 22 and injuring dozens of others he said: “I think my rhetoric brings people together.” 

A nationwide review conducted by ABC News has identified at least 54 criminal cases where Trump was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault.

Then this article (my emphasis):

NY Times: With the nation on edge ravaged by disease, hammered by economic collapse, divided over lockdowns and face masks, and now convulsed once again by race, President Trump’s first instinct has been to look for someone to fight.

Over the last week, America reeled from 100,000 pandemic deaths, 40 million people out of work and cities in flames over a brutal police killing of a subdued black man.

But Mr. Trump was on the attack against China, the World Health Organization (WHO), Big Tech (Twitter), former President Barack Obama (his fav target), a cable television host (Joe Scarborough), and the mayor of a riot-torn city (Minneapolis). 

While other presidents seek to cool the situation in tinderbox moments like this, Mr. Trump plays with matches. Twitter nails him and says it's up the public to decide (from NPR):

Screenshot of Trump Tweet 
(May 29 @ 7:53 AM)

He roars into any melee he finds encouraging street uprisings against public health measures advanced by his own government, hurling made-up murder charges against a critic (Joe Scarborough), accusing his predecessor of unspecified crimes (Mr. Obama), vowing to crack down on a social media company that angered him (Twitter), and then seemingly threatening to meet violence with violence in Minneapolis (saying: “...when the looting starts,  the shooting starts).

As several cities erupted in street protests after the killing of George Floyd, some of them resulting in clashes with the police, Mr. Trump made no appeal for calm.

Instead in a series of tweets and comments to reporters on Saturday (May 30), he blamed the unrest on Democrats, called on “Liberal Governors and Mayors to get MUCH tougher on the crowds,” threatened to intervene with “the unlimited power of our Military,” and even suggested his own supporters mount a counter-demonstration (his brand of insurrection I guess).

Related to the image above – I deleted the “traitor” reference – it was a bit too strong for me, however, I mostly agree with the contents of the article.

My 2 cents: Very good article sources. All I would is pretty simple: Hard to dispute but just wait and watch Trump loyalists and hardcore sycophants (especially in congress and his appointed ones) who stand by him, always praising and fluffing him, and afraid of him They must since they don’t want to lose favor with him and their jobs lest they suffer the “Wrath of Don.” 

That is Trump and his M.O. He is not apt to change because he is incapable of change.

That’s how he ran his businesses and got results, good, bad, or indifferent, and now that’s how he thinks he can run a country and our historically strong government system – boy, is he flat out wrong.

Thanks for stopping by.

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