Saturday, April 25, 2020

Trump's Daily Virus Task Force Briefing: Totally Off the Rails With His Wild Crazy Statements

How much lower can he sink we wonder
(Not much room left down there)

This post references Trump’s daily virus task force briefing. This one focuses on his latest wild and erratic conduct seen in this NY Times analysis.  

The highlights:

He undercut the efforts of his campaign and his allies to attack Biden on China.

He suddenly proposed a halt on immigration.

He said governors should not move too soon to reopen their economies.

He called on protesters to “liberate” those closed states.

All that was before his digression into the potential healing powers of disinfectants by home injection.

Some Republican lawmakers say they have gone from watching his lengthy daily briefings with a tight-lipped grimace to now looking upon them with horror. 

One prominent GOP senator said the nightly sessions were so painful he could not bear watching any longer.

Other GOP leaders, privately, are less restrained about the political damage they believe Mr. Trump is doing to himself and candidates.

From long-time serving Republican from Oregon, Rep. Greg Walden said: “Any of us can be onstage too much and there’s a burnout factor no matter who you are, you’ve got to think about that.”

Finally, this from Trump’s newly appointed Press “propaganda” Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, when asked about Trump’s briefing concerns said:Millions and millions of Americans tune in each day to hear directly from President Trump and appreciate his leadership, unprecedented coronavirus response, and confident outlook for America’s future.”

More of McEnany’s history as a Trump sycophant (3 examples):

My insert:  Boy is McEnany off the rails with her recent statement and history, too, but for her, routine – typical.

One more example: August 28, 2019, when asked by CNN’s Chris Cuomo if Trump has told lies, she said: “No. I don’t believe the president has lied.”

When Cuomo pressed her on the topic, she said: He doesn’t lie. Guess who lies, the press lies.” She then advised Cuomo to look in the mirror, whereas, Cuomo ended the interview with her.

In the weeks prior to her appointment as White House press secretary, McEnany praised Trump's handling of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic, saying: This president will always put America first, he will always protect American citizens, we will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here, we will not see terrorism come here, and isn’t it refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President Obama.” 

In the weeks following her remarks, as the virus continued to spread, McEnany was criticized by many for the comments. She in turn, claimed that she was only speaking in the context of restricting travel to the United States from China.

I like others would say: “That’s horsesh*t.” 

But, her statement did remind me of that classic line from the Eddie Murphy movie: “The Distinguished Gentleman” when bigtime DC lobbyist, “Olaf Andersen” played by actor Joe Don Baker, says this about his side’s attempt to do something that failed: “Now the question is, can we get the sh*t back into the horse?”

That is true and very apropos applied to Trump today as more and more Republicans and lots of others are seeing him for his true self: An utter failure. 

But, also knowing how Trump operates and he can’t change his M.O. now, it’s far too late for that, what he does or says or attempts in the weeks and months ahead is only going to get nastier and far, far worse – bet on it. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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