Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Trump Setting Up "Reopen America" Task Force: Who's Who List of People Already Around Him

Shush: Listen to me only me — this is my show, Capisce

Whole story from here - Trump’s “reopen the country task force.”

Trump’s presidency has been terrifying from its infancy, but it’s all the more so now that he’s created a task force to reopen America in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and packed it not with leading public-health officials or economic experts but a who’s who of clubby cabinet appointees.

According to a Fox News report, the motley crew includes:

Ø Trump’s 4th CoS, Mark Meadows, a bigtime climate and science denier.
Ø Treasury Secretary and former hedge-fund manager Steven Mnuchin.
Ø Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, whose failure to divest his multimillions keeps ethics watchdogs up at night as NPR once reported.
Ø Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, who also happens to be the wife of Trump’s senatorial puppet Mitch McConnell.
Ø HUD Secretary Ben Carson, who generally does not make much sense about anything in government.

FYI: But, Trump did refute a report that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner would be members of the task force, so at least there’s that to be thankful.

In an unprecedented situation that demands some of the smartest and most highly specialized (medical minds) in the world, Trump just so happened to find them all in his own administration. How convenient — that search must have been exhaustive and taken all of five minutes.
Now, never fear, they’re here to save America from a historic economic nosedive, including 17 million unemployed and counting, in the middle of a deadly pandemic. 

What could possibly go wrong with that lineup? Let's ask him:

His motto and rule: Win bigly
(My way or highway)

My 2 cents: Not much to add to this latest goat screw by Trump… how in the hell can anyone support such a stupid, misguided, and totally asinine decision in this critical time of national crisis? 

We are finally, after 3 years of this madness seeing who the man really is, or should I say who the man really is not?

Thanks for stopping by.

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