Friday, April 10, 2020

Trump Gets Another Wall: But, at Whose Expense This Time — That is the $64,000 Question

Trump faces the virus crisis head-on
(New virus funding plan is DOA)

From The Hillsubject:

Phase-four virus relief bill hits a wall
(Trump finally gets his “wall” — sort of)

Senate Republicans signaled they won’t be ready to launch into another round (4th bill) of economic stimulus talks until sometime in May.

The GOP resistance puts a damper on Speaker Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Schumer’s efforts to seize the political momentum on a phase-four coronavirus relief package.

GOP Senate Majority Leader McConnell said he’s not opposed to more money for hospitals and health care providers “down the line” but said Democrats are already asking for money for programs that have yet to receive funding allocated for them in the CARES Act, which became law March 27.

So far there’s been no daylight between McConnell and Trump, suggesting there’s little reason for the GOP leader to bend. 

The president backed up McConnell this week by assuring him that he would veto the Democratic proposal to pair $250 billion in small-business funding with $250 billion in aid to states and hospitals.

Senate Republicans are sticking with McConnell’s position for now.  

Example from Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) who tweeted reason for sticking with McConnell and Trump, referring to the popular small-business lending Paycheck Protection Program (PPP): “The ink’s barely dry on the $2.2 trillion dollar Cares Act, money largely not yet out the door (except for PPP), and Schumer and Pelosi to seek more spending for spending’s sake.”

My 2 cents: Does that Cornyn and McConnell line sound like a routine GOP talking point: “DEMS spend too much just to spend too much.”

Well recall this as the original relief bill was being worked before signed into law that spewed from the Grand Old Party. A good analysis and reminder here from just a little over a month ago.

Now again that seems to apply in this case … shame on the GOP.

My memo for McConnell and Cornyn and any GOP of that same mind set: DEMS seeking more money for hospitals and health care providers (that Pelosi and Schumer and others want) is NOT seeking as you say ‘spending for the sake of spending’ – they like you want to make sure it in the hands of the front-line virus fighters.” 

Shame on your side for thinking and saying otherwise.

As we know passing a bill for authorizing more relief aid is NOT the same as passing it and then appropriating the actual relief aid. DEMS are following the rules and process and means just like any good Boy Scout knows “Always be prepared” which up to this point Trump and your side has not been. 

The evidence proves my point and Trump inaction and refusal to accept the danger early on dug this hole the country is so badly trying to crawl out of.

And this GOP finally helped some, but now is falling back on the same old, same old, BS political talking points. Be prepared is better than being cautious they apparently believe.

If you happen to feel the same as I do about this, and your Rep. or Sen. is a Republican, then please let them know by phone, email, or text message. If not, then woe is you. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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