Sunday, April 19, 2020

Trump - First in History, Best Record Ever, Unmatched: Yep, Now has 18,000 Documented Lies

Ironically: A Trump Truism, Fact, Not a Lie

Trump's record, American presidential record, and, probably a world record, too. His documented lies have now hit a whopping 18,000 notes Washington Post’s Fact Checker:

First this before the main story below and I say right up front:

No, COVID-19 is not man-made or developed in China as a bio-weapon and somehow released on the world.

Trump has always been successful when he’s had a boogeyman and China is the perfect boogeyman,” said Chris LaCivita, a longtime Republican strategist.

But there is a potential impediment to the GOP plan — the leader of the party himself.

Medical experts and world-wide scientists have shot down one huge Trump-Fox, et al conspiracy that “China developed the virus as some sort of bio weapon and it got released by accident.”

DING – 100% FALSE: COVID-19 cannot have been lab produced, period. 

Impossible say virus experts and scientists around the globe. It is an animal-to-human transmitted virus and then passed further along human-to-human.

And, this update in from Wuhan China title: 

Laboratory in Wuhan breaks silence to deny claims that the coronavirus originated there

Main story lead-in from Trump (excellent article written by Dana Milbank): “It would have been so easy to be truthful.”

Thus spoke President Trump this week on the very day he surpassed the milestone of uttering 18,000 falsehoods during his presidency, as tallied by the Post’s Fact Checker.

But on this day, Trump was not admitting to losing his own struggle with the truth. He was accusing the World Health Organization of “covering up the spread of the coronavirus and failing to share information in a timely and transparent fashion.”

He declared he was cutting off funding for the world’s public health body in the middle of a pandemic.

The next day Trump called the WHO a “tool of China” and floated the vile conspiracy theory that the WHO deliberately concealed the danger of the virus saying: “There’s something going on at the WHO that’s very bad, I have a feeling they knew exactly what was going on.”

This is not merely a falsehood. This is a damnable and murderous lie.

As Trump surely knows, and as I have learned from people with knowledge of the situation who spoke to me on the condition of confidentiality, 15 officials from his administration were embedded with the WHO in Geneva, most working full time, hand-in-glove with the organization on the virus from the very first day China disclosed the outbreak to the world, December 31. 

At least six other U.S. officials at WHO headquarters dedicated most of their time to the virus, and two others worked remotely with the WHO on covid-19 full time. 

In the weeks that followed, they and other U.S. government scientists engaged in all major deliberations and decisions at the WHO on the novel coronavirus, had access to all information, and contributed significantly to the world body’s conclusions and recommendations.

Everything that the WHO knew, the Trump administration knew — in real time.

As congressional investigators who requested WHO documents and communications are now learning, senior Trump administration officials: HHS Secretary Alex Azar; the CDC’s Director Robert R. Redfield Jr., as well as Anne Schuchat, Ray R. Arthur, and Jeffrey McFarland; the NIH's Dr. Anthony Fauci and H. Clifford Lane, and many others all consulted with the WHO throughout the crisis.

And, now this from the Trump 2020 camp: “Blame China is the 2020 Trump Campaign Strategy” as reported on in this story:

WASHINGTON — The 2020 Trump campaign strategy could not be clearer: From the Republican lawmakers blanketing Fox News to new ads from President Trump’s super PAC to the biting criticism on Trump Jr.’s Twitter feed, the GOP is attempting to divert attention from the administration’s heavily criticized response to the coronavirus by pinning the blame on China.

With the death toll from the pandemic already surpassing 34,000 Americans and unemployment soaring to levels not seen since the Great Depression, Republicans increasingly believe that elevating China as an archenemy culpable for the spread of the virus, and harnessing America’s growing animosity toward Beijing, may be the best way to salvage a difficult election.

Republican senators locked in difficult races are preparing commercials condemning China. Conservatives with future presidential ambitions of their own, like GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (AR) and Josh Hawley (MO) are both competing to see who can talk tougher toward the country where the virus first emerged. Party officials are publicly and privately brandishing polling data in hopes Trump will confront Beijing.

Trump’s own campaign aides have endorsed the strategy, releasing an attack Ad last week depicting Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, as soft on China.

The Ad relied heavily on images of people of Asian descent, including former Governor and Ambassador to China, Gov. Gary Locke (D) of Washington State, who is Chinese American, and it was widely viewed as fanning the flames of xenophobia.

My 2 cents: I say again Trump is incorrigible – incapable of change and obviously of ever being honest to tell the truth.

Not much else to add except that historians will have a field day writing about this man – hopefully their final chapter will be “Putting Trump in the Dustbin of History Never to Be Heard of Again and is Name Never Mentioned Again” – at least my humble suggestion.

Thanks for stopping by.

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