Friday, February 21, 2020

Trump Picks New "Acting" DNI: Praise From Putin and Raised Eyebrows from U.S. Intel Experts

New Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
(Richard Grenell: Has zero intel background)

Putin to Trump (my hunch)

Update on this story which captured both the anger and disgust of most of our intelligence community career employees and specialists, especially the contents of this NY Times story today about the new “Acting DNI” Richard Grenell who replaced the previous “Acting DNI” Joseph Maguire, who took over from the real DNI, Dan Coats, who resigned with this major headline:

Trump's intelligence chief resigned after the White House repeatedly suppressed his warnings about Russian interference,
New York Times reports

It’s hard to keep track isn’t it? BTW: Trump loves this disruption for it allows him to appoint “acting” heads who do not require senate confirmation and they in turn can pull this crap that Grenell is not pulling – see below and recall Trump once said he “Loves the acting title.”

WASHINGTON — Richard Grenell’s tenure as the nation’s top intelligence official may be short-lived, but he wasted no time this week starting to shape his team of advisers, ousting his office’s No. 2 official — a 30-year intelligence officer — and bringing in an expert on Trump conspiracy theories to help lead the agency.
Grenell has also requested the intelligence behind the classified briefing last week before the House Intelligence Committee where officials told lawmakers that Russia was interfering in November’s presidential election and that Russian President Vladimir Putin of Russia favored President Trump’s re-election. 
The briefing later prompted Trump’s anger as he complained that Democrats would use it against him and then he canned Joseph Maguire, the former “acting DNI” and then his deputy, Andrew Hallman, resigned.
Grenell told Hallman, popular in the office’s Liberty Crossing headquarters, that his service was no longer needed, according to two officials. Hallman, BTW, had worked in that office or at the CIA for three decades, expressed confidence in his colleagues in a statement but also referred to the “uncertainties that come with change.”
The ouster of Hallman and exit of Maguire, who also oversaw the National Counterterrorism Center, allowed Grenell to install his own leadership team.
Ironically (my insert), one of his first hires was Kashyap Patel, a senior NSC staff member and former key aide to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and the ranking GOP member of the House Intelligence Committee under Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), whom every Republican from Trump on down has a bile hatred for.
Patel will have a mandate to “clean house,” CBS News reported, citing a person close to the matter.
Patel was best known as the lead author of a politically charged memo two years ago that accused FBI and DOJ leaders of abusing their surveillance powers to spy on a former Trump campaign adviser (Carter Page). 
His memo was widely criticized as misleading, though an inspector general later found other problems with aspects of the surveillance.
(I note: We see the conspiracy nuts gaining power this way in key government slots and that is scary stuff – very damn scary).
Working with Nunes, Patel began what they called Objective Medusa to examine the FBI’s investigation into whether anyone associated with the Trump campaign conspired with Russia’s election interference in 2016.
Nunes said:I hired him to bust doors down” and the receiver of that was author Lee Smith for his book: “The Plot Against the President,” which chronicles Patel’s investigations on behalf of the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee. Patel was interviewed extensively in the book, which claims without proof that journalists, diplomats, law enforcement and intelligence officials engaged in a vast plot to undermine Trump’s campaign and then bring him down as president.
As “Acting DNI” Grenell will have has access to any secrets he may want to review. And he has requested access to information from the CIA and other intelligence agencies, according to two people familiar with the matter.
My 2 cents: So, is Grenell about ready to do the dirty work for Trump, by extension, Putin and emasculate our 16 intelligence agencies – it damn sure looks like it …

This is getting very dark folks and quite frankly very, very dangerous.

FYI: I worked in the intelligence field all around the globe for over nine years as an active duty Marine Corps interrogator and then nearly four years after that. My language background is in Russian and Korean.

So I know a bit about of what I’m saying – this is a serious critical issue and very dangerous path Trump has us on with this Grenell appointment and more so by the henchmen like Patel and who knows who is next for a top job who are well-known conspiracy nuts.

After learning of this I am 100% sure that Putin is laughing his ass off and praising Trump as his self-appointed puppet master – I have no doubt about that.

Thanks for stopping by.

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