Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bombshell Report: Bombshell Overrated Word But Lev Parnas Releases Goods on Giuliani

Crooks Я Us: Ready to Nail Trump or so It Seems


Information turned over by Lev Parnas, an indicted former associate of Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, is riveting and potentially very damaging to Trump. In particular, the material contains a previously undisclosed May 2019 letter from Giuliani to Ukrainian President Zelensky, obtained from Parnas’ phone and has been turned over to the House Intelligence Committee.

In the letter, Giuliani asked for a half-hour meeting with Zelensky as he was pursuing investigations targeting Joe Biden — and he made it very clear that he was acting with Trump’s “knowledge and consent.”
Specifically, Giuliani wrote in his letter: “I request a meeting with you on this upcoming Monday, May 13th or Tuesday, May 14th.”  

That letter from Rudy to Zelensky (my emphasis added):

Noteworthy: One of the documents included in the disclosure (.pdf format) is a handwritten note by Parnas from his room at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Vienna that states: “Get Zelensky to announce that the Biden case will be investigated.”

Earlier story: Washington Post“Deeper stuff vis-à-vis Rudy Giuliani, Lev Parnas, and Igor Fruman.”

Federal prosecutors in New York have been investigating Giuliani and two associates he tapped to help him conduct investigations in Ukraine for a wide range of possible crimes, including wire fraud and failure to register as a foreign agent, people familiar with the matter said. 

The two associates, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were charged this year in a campaign finance case wherein prosecutors alleged they used foreign money to buy political influence in 2016, directing large donations to politicians as they “… sought to advance their personal and financial interests and the political interests of at least one Ukrainian government official with whom they were working.”

My 2 cents: By all accounts and now more so with this startling new evidence about Rudy Gee acting for Trump in the Ukraine to get dirt on the Biden’s and mostly thanks to Parnas’ and his note taking, should be sufficient to nail Trump and rightly so. 

But, we shall see – however, the proverbial ball is now in the GOP Senate’s court. Stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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