Saturday, September 7, 2019

Trump’s Wall: Note Orange Top — Hair Comparisons by Shear Chance Not on Purpose Right

Trump’s Wall: The Top Naturally Matches His Hair
(How apropos at this point in time)

Trail of Trump’s utter BS that is #1 on the top of over 12,000 documented lies his biggest of all: His damn wall saying a thousand times:

I will build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great wall on our southern border and I’ll have Mexico pay for that wall.”

Trump’s latest BS move: He takes DOD construction money ($3.6 billion) on top of the already approved $1.4 billion that Congress authorized for his silly-ass wall.

Money for His Wall None for Us
(Whoop dee doo)

(Related: My earlier post on this topic).

From earlier reporting: The wall funding demand from Trump to Congress also will cause ripple effect cuts the Coast Guard, FEMA, and TSA and Border Security screeners more on that here.

Previously: Former OMB director Mick Mulvaney (now Trump’s W/H Chief of Staff) once said that the White House delivered an offer to Congressional negotiators with funding for the border wall.
The key to all this: Wall cost to the taxpayers in the final analysis is projected to exceed $25 billion. Recall that Trump has said a thousand times: “Mexico will pay for the wall, believe me.”

(Spanish: Ja Ja Ja)
My 2 cents: And, here we are today… the con is still working just as Trump has planned and the GOP keeps falling for his wacky BS and constant trail of lies. 
B/L: This GOP is not and has not even once been holding Trump accountable on any hanky-panky and anything potentially illegal and unlawful. This example is perhaps the worst of them all and there have been plenty up till now.
Stay tuned – we have a very long way to go. 
Thanks for stopping by.

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