Thursday, July 18, 2019

Trump to Hire Another From FOX: Hey GOP, WTFU What's Wrong With You Anyway

Monica Plagiarist Crowley: FOX to Treasury Department
(Her second chance for Trump slot)

Absolutely disgusting story here. Another FOX type leaving to join Trump's White House. 

This time, it’s Monica Crowley heading to the Treasury Department. 

Crowley is Trump’s pick for the top communications position at Treasury.
The position does not require Senate confirmation. 

Crowley is a longtime FOX News contributor who has pilloried journalists as “dishonest, hostile, biased, rude, and fake news.” 

She also endorsed a series of racist conspiracy theories, including about former President Barack Obama’s “real father.”

She has been a FOX C-list voice the network’s hosts regularly booked to provide the casual bigotries, hypocrisies, talking points, and lies that fuel FOX’s propaganda machine, which Trump loves since the hype and peddle him and his BS.

If she makes it this time (she tried before and withdrew under scandal spotlight), she would be the 17th former FOX employee to join the Trump team. She would replace Tony Sayegh, who also is former FOX contributor. How ironic and pathetic is that?

Her first chance failure: Recall that in December 2016, Trump announced that Crowley would be appointed as Deputy National Security Advisor for the NSC (under Michael Flynn at the time). 

However, she quickly withdrew a month later following reports that she had plagiarized portions of her 2012 book What the (Bleep) Just Happened, and also her 2000 Ph.D. dissertation.

My 2 cents: Yeah, go team Trump!! I will only hire the very best, um, right Mr. Trump? That’s what you promised the public. Your turnover rate disputes that in spades.

I can't stop laughing. So, who’s next? I guess Hannity as press secretary or Chief W/H propagandist?  Boy, does this stink to high heaven.

Thanks for stopping by.

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