Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sen. Mitch McConnell Senate Act: Un-American; Russian Lackey; Inept; Craven; Putin Puppet

Applicable cartoon caricature that fits perfectly 
(Moscow Mitch)

Latest on report from Raw story about GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocking two bills aimed at helping to secure America’s election process from expected 2020 Russian election interference.

This from McConnell comes right after former Special Counsel  Robert Mueller testified before Congress that the Kremlin will seek to interfere just as they did in 2016 and probably are right now.

What did McConnell do? He blocked two election security bills. 

Also, some were quick to add that he also earlier prevented the Obama administration from warning Americans about Russian meddling in 2016. 

It’s a long complex article, very detailed, and complicated – but worth your time to read it for the details, facts, reasons, and outcomes.

McConnell’s reasoning: He said his opposition arose from his belief the legislation was “highly partisan and came from the same folks who hyped up a conspiracy theory” about Trump-Russia collusion.

I note: That is 100% BS, Mr. McConnell. 

All Russian hacking and all conspiracies that followed are from FOX and Alex Jones types, plus Roger Stone, and mostly led at FOX's Sean Hannity, and many GOPers on Trump's side that is those who think just like Trump and are also just as pathetic as Trump. 

More related coverage of this from NewsweekABC News, and Rolling Stone.

My 2 cents: McConnell and a like-minded GOPers are truly Putin’s puppets… no doubt about that. Worse, is when they stand up and profess to be loyal, patriotic Americans all the while pulling these stunts.

Stay tuned – 2020 is apt to be an historical moment in American history: It will mark the year that American democracy started to  crumble, and all the credit for that goes to Donald J. Trump and the Republican party (nearly 100%). 

Am I fearful of that possibility? You bet your ass I am and so should you.

Thanks for stopping by.

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