Friday, April 12, 2019

Hannity Goes off the Rails with Nunes: Says "Deepstate" Going Down and Going Down Hard

The Face You Want to Punch 24/7: His Wild-Ass Predictions
(Almost always wrong)

From Hannity at FAUX gnus (via Media Matters – see their video clip below).

Hannity is the biggest and stupidest moron on TV and Talk Radio – hands down – cite this from him:

SEAN HANNITY:The pendulum is swinging, the boomerang is now headed right back at the top, deep state actors, they will all be held accountable. Mark my words: criminal indictments are coming. And as we have reported, Congressman Devin Nunes is preparing criminal referrals as we speak for this very week.” 

And as I said, make no mistake: The evidence revealed will come cascading down on those guilty of corruption, bias, abuse of power, and I promise it will drown them.”

The video of that is here – his words, not mine:

Hannity unhinged as usual

My 2 cents: Rep. Nunes is a dumbass just like Hannity and the record is clear on them both: Twin morons.

Bookmark Hannity for future reference on his wild-ass promise

Thanks for stopping by.

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