Sunday, March 3, 2019

UPDATED: Kushner Possible National Security Risk; Trump Doesn't Seem to Care Why Not

Another Huge Trump Lie: Critical Security Issue

Two Closest to President Trump and the Phoniest

Supplement to the following previous post from the NY TIMES that I missed posting earlier – my oversight: This supplement shows the Trump-Cohen link since 2007 (when Cohen became Trump’s personal attorney). Cohen has been called “The Fixer; Problem Solver; Confidant.” 

Now Trump calls Cohen a “Rat” others says “Flipper” after recent Congressional testimony updates.

Short NY TIMES 2-minute video follows below:

(Note in the video how quickly Trump’s opinion and kudos for Cohen changed once Cohen started cooperating with investigators – that clearly shows the classic and very skilled and experienced con-man that Trump is and how his harshness becomes real when as he faces the truth and facts about his criminal behavior, methodology, and failures).

Below that video is very short clip which shows Trump in an interview with The Times in January wherein he says: “I was never involved” with the TOP SECRET security clearance for his son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Conclusion: It’s all coming to a head and in the end it will dominate the news, worldwide of which can Trump can brag about and claim with this banner the usual way he always does: “This is the greatest presidential crime in world history, believe me. The best ever, ever.” 

I can picture Trump saying that from Rikers Island, Cell #45. 

Wait and see. 

Thanks for stopping by for this short supplemental review.


The headlines from ABC News:

As questions loom about Jared Kushner's security clearance, House committee says White House not cooperating in probe


The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says the White House has not been cooperative in a growing probe of security clearances given to members of the Trump administration. 

The accusation comes on the heels of a stunning report in the New York Times citing four sources who claim former chief of staff John Kelly said President Trump ordered him to get a top-level security clearance for his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, approved. 

ABC News has not independently confirmed the report, which cites a memo written by Kelly.

Ironically, Trump told the NY Times last month:I was never involved in his [Jared’s] security and never would.” (See Trump quote above)

Also, earlier this month, via an exclusive interview with Abby Huntsman on ABC News, Ivanka Trump said:The president had no involvement pertaining to my clearance or my husband's clearance, zero.”

Huckabee-Sanders: We don’t comment on security clearances.”

And, this from slick lawyering from Peter Mirijanian, a spokesperson for Abbe Lowell, the attorney for Kushner, said in a statement:In 2018, White House and security clearance officials affirmed that Mr. Kushner’s security clearance was handled in the regular process with no pressure from anyone. That was conveyed to the media at the time, and new stories, if accurate, do not change what was affirmed at the time.”

My 2 cents: Key part is that Kushner had to amend his clearance application some 40 times for withholding foreign contact information which subjects him to blackmail or worse.

It is painfully obvious to anyone that lying is ingrained in the Trump DNA.

Yet, the GOP members largely, sit on their hands again failing in their oath of office.

Thanks for stopping by.

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