Monday, March 18, 2019

KS Conservatives on Voter Warpath: Crazy Registration Policy Again Raises It's Ugly Head

Former KS Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R)
(Totally loose cannons)

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Kansas' solicitor general is calling on a federal appeals court to reinstate the state's law requiring people to provide proof of citizenship before they can register to vote, saying problems with how it was enforced during the three years it was in place are fixable. 

During a hearing before a three-judge panel of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Salt Lake City in a case with national implications for voting rights, Judge Jerome Holmes questioned attorneys for the state and for plaintiffs who succeeded in getting a lower court to overturn the law, 
which was in effect from 2013 until 2016, and he pointed to evidence that it kept more than 30,000 people from registering to vote even though nearly all of them were citizens.

Solicitor General Toby Crouse said there were problems with the way the law was implemented, but he argued that the state should be able to ensure that ballots are cast legally and called on the court to resurrect the law, adding: The rollout is problematic and concerning and should be improved, but that's not a reason to undermine the law and strike it down as unconstitutional.” 

Dale Ho, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Voting Rights Project, disagreed. He said cases where people can't find their birth certificate or afford a new one are inevitable, and the Kansas law contains few fail-safes to ensure citizens can cast a ballot, and added:The difficulties of implementing a law like this, which is unique in the country, are baked into the statute.” 

The judges didn't indicate when they might rule.

My 2 cents: I would never do what the a-holes in KS want: To prove my citizenship before I could register to vote. 

The state/county/local registration office form should easily state (like ours in NY asks: Are you a U.S. Citizen?” 

FORM NOTE: Lying on this form is a crime and punishable by Federal and State law. 

On this point, let's be perfectly clear:

In 2013: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states may not require proof of citizenship for those who use the Federal 
registration form, which states are required to accept.

Trump’s biggest post 2016 election lie: Millions of illegals voted for Hillary Clinton – however, the truth nails him for what he is on that point: He is a serial liarread voting facts here (Brennan center at NYU).

My word on that form and answering “yes” is my honor and standard. 

This is crappy GOP fear mongering to the umpteenth degree. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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