Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Betsy DeVos the Education Secretary from Héll: Easily the Absolute Worse in American History

Betsy DeVos Congressional Testimony
(March 26, 2019)

Introduction: DeVos in her recent congressional testimony re: Massive budget cuts to education programs — this time harsh on Special Olympics for disabled children. 

Short video clip here from PBS News Hour of her before Congress.

The whole story: Betsy DeVos strikes again and in a horrible way as usual – these two stories now front and center, here and here.

What Betsy DeVos has been able to accomplish has been minimized only by the amount of push back she’s received. Every time she’s tried to privatize public schools, called for regressive cuts to education, or rolled back protections for vulnerable children, people have stood up to her on behalf of students and public education.

Let’s be clear on this point: Betsy DeVos was hand-picked by Trump who knew her agenda and empowered her to pursue it regardless of the damage she has inflicted – they both dislike public education – a fact.

My 2 Cents: So, how had is DeVos, really? 

Recall this: She barely won Senate confirmation, despite 1.1 million letters and 80,000 phone calls from citizens urging senators to vote no,

The Senate confirmed her with tie vote that required VP Pence to vote “aye.”  Note: That was the first time in the nation’s history that a Vice President’s vote was necessary to approve a cabinet nominee.

DeVos in a word is arrogant, stuffy, out of touch, and in way over her head on serious education matters that impact the public (except for her private school mentality that is) and she is surely the worst Education Secretary in American history thus far.

No background in public education but tons of money that helped Trump win … a fact. Not just my view, but her public record and own testimony. A pitiful person in the wrong job.

Thanks for stopping by.

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