Saturday, August 11, 2018

Trump's Loyalist Base Expands or Shrinks: This New One Arrives and Grows Apparently

QAnon right up front where Trump likes it (in Florida)

Folks, get a life and hit the fact-checking sources, too, jeez

Biggest conspiracy racist fool of all time - in Dec 2015 Trump
Told him: Your reputation is amazing. I won't let you down.

My introduction to the following analysis of Trump and his followers – first my thoughts:

Trump's strategy is actually clever, shrewd in fact, and brilliant in style and delivery - at least some aspects. It follows this well-established pattern that he has practiced for 40 years: 

1.  Generate and spread wild BS in a crappy deal (or more). 
2.  Sit back and watch it stick and spread to the target audience - in this case: The gullible GOP base. 
3.  Stay on the message no matter what the facts show otherwise.
4.  Generate more, and uglier insults, nasty name-calling, and lies on top lies at huge rallies.
5.  Point out the awful DEM reaction and that from the media as they close in with the truth and facts.

Then he starts saying (like right now): “See I told you so. All this time with the “Fake News, Hoaxes, and Left lies” and now we have turmoil, chaos, and disruption to both me and to my agenda for the American people with my great policy initiatives - they are to blame - not me”
The story: It is quite good and points the new so-called “QAnon” movement (pro-Trump conspiracy batch of loyalists). From the article this part which I like:

(I insert: Does Trump support QAnon? Probably yes, why? Trump himself has at times been a purveyor of conspiracy theories, most notably in refusing for years to back down from his false claim that former president Obama was not born in the United States. He also asserted without evidence that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower. He peddled the debunked idea that millions of illegal votes cost him the popular vote. He also associated the father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) with the assassin about who shot JFK in Dallas).

But, if you’re a normal person who’s followed Trump’s sleazy career, you’ve probably been shocked but not surprised by his conduct in office.  

To wit:

He turned his father’s modest slum empire into an international brand through relentless self-promotion and an unending supply of his BS.

He never passed up an opportunity to cut corners, recruiting undocumented workers to build his buildings with cut-rate Chinese steel.

He pocketed big profits from projects that turned to crap by stiffing investors and contractors.

He ran blatant scams like Trump University and sold cheesy crap made in overseas sweatshops.

He has always been a hypocritical, narcissistic grifter of the worst kind, and his America-First shtick on the campaign trail probably seemed like a ridiculous joke to you until the moment those early returns from the Midwest started coming in on Election Night 2016.

Think for a moment how the past 19 months have played out for Trump’s core supporters: they are angry, disaffected white guys who are freaked out by the country’s shifting demographics and they blame those people for the fact that their incomes have been stagnant or declining for a generation or two and their kids are hooked on opioids.

Now yourself in the shoes of a Trump loyalist for the sake of argument:

You’d pinned all your hopes on Trump.

He was going to drain the swamp and revitalize coal mining and bring his brilliant negotiating skills to bear on all the foreigners who are screwing us.

He was going to be a true “jobs president.”

He was going to stick it to the libs, people of color, immigrants — everyone you hate.

But, always a but right; but since his first day in office, he’s run an embattled regime that’s been mired in scandals and under the clouds of multiple investigations.

He’s delivered on the bigotry, but in a way that was a bit too obvious and made people call you out as a racist wingnut just for supporting him.

On the policy front, he’s really only delivered a big tax cut for himself, his noxious spawn, his rich BFF’s, and people just like them.

The economy is strong, but his loyalists haven’t seen it since inflation outpaced income growth over the past year.

He’s embraced a former geopolitical rival that you probably spent most of your adult life fearing and despising.

You may think his tweets are awesome, but on some level you also know they’re kind of embarrassing.

When you factor in how his base has been conditioned for so many years to believe that reality is often obscured by the corrupt Lügenpresse (FYI: a Nazi-era German word that means: “Lying Press”). 

Does that sound familiar in use by anyone you know who speaks it almost daily? Hint: Donald J. Trump. So, it is now also easy to see how this crackpot latest bunch of “QAnon” supporters and their stuff is taking hold (and guess what: Trump loves it).

Why is this you might ask – part of the answer comes from here and about the author here: His base, mostly radical hardcore GOP conservatives tend to be more sensitive to cognitive dissonance than liberals. Holding two contradictory thoughts in their heads causes them pain and anxiety.

When will reality kick and those loyalists acknowledge that that hung all their hopes and dreams on an erratic, wannabe-elitist doofus who sees the presidency as another opportunity to advance his Trump Empire, Inc. brand into more shady profits?

Continue this fine article here – it is long, but very comprehensive and a great bookmark reminder of what we are enduring under Trump.

Thanks for stopping by.

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