Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Trump's First NATO Summit: Lectures NATO Chief on NATO, the EU, Lowly Dull Political Gripes

Trump professes to be the smartest man ever
(Con artist is a better fit)

The real Trump, really...

Keeping a close eye and tab on Trump’s foreign affairs blundering and domestic personal blustering.

First this introduction re: Trump’s 1st NATO summit – his body language is a telling sign of who he is and isn’t – a few examples follow: 

BRUSSELS (AP) — He didn't shove anyone this time, but Trump's body language during NATO events suggested his relationships with key U.S. allies aren't exactly buddy-buddy. He started the day with a tense breakfast meeting with NATO leader, Jens Stoltenberg (photo above), in which he lectured him about member defense spending and complained about a German pipeline deal with Russia. With arms crossed over his chest, Trump gestured at Stoltenberg and repeatedly interrupted the secretary-general as he argued his case.

World leader summits are largely about optics and presenting a united front to the rest of the world. But Trump barreled into this his first NATO summit, as he did his during his first G7 conference. Both with a litany of public complaints about alliance members and their “delinquent defense spending,” (Note: Which BTW is not entirely true, then about his lie saying the U.S. spends 90% on NATO when in fact we provide only 22%), then false information about the German-Russian European gas pipeline deal (Note: Also, laced with lies).

NOTE: Showing any unity with our allies, friends, and partners seemed like an afterthought for Trump, who peddles “America First.” And, boy did it show (and we must speculate that his 30% base back home loved it)

During moments that were visible to the press, Trump often separated himself from most of his counterparts, particularly those with whom he has had public disagreements, such as UK PM Theresa May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau. 

Then when the leaders strolled out of the gleaming NATO building in Brussels for “the traditional family photo” in the courtyard, Trump lingered behind and mostly spoke with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic. 

Then, on the dais, Trump and May chatted as they stood together, but Trump kept his back toward other leaders, including Merkel.

After the group moved inside for talks, Trump again hung back as other heads of state glad-handed around the room. He stayed close to members of his delegation, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, before back-slapping with others, including again PM May then taking his seat.

Now, my main points for today – in a single word, Trump’s administration is a train wreck.

Here are a few fact checking sources to prove and show the history of this horrible man in office:

Related Tidbits:

Politics and President Watchers (170 of them) conclude: Trump is worst ever 

Finally, I conclude: Trump, despite him always blustering about himself is in reality an untalented leader by any definition. He lacks finesse and even basic skills that we have grown to expect and see in our president. He is grossly uncouth and harsh as well as unnecessarily blunt and ugly in speech and tone. 

As noted he is openly harsh and insulting to our allies, friends, and partners and then he turns right around and dishes out kudos to Kim, Jung-un, Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi, and other nasty leaders from Turkey and the Philippines. 

My view of Trump's basic tactic:

Try and prove this false - can't be done
(It's in his DNA)

All that is mind-boggling to say the least. The worst part, he bashes world allies via tweets and press statements and then in meeting with cameras flashing lay a million kudos on them… what a hypocrite – really, who does that?

It is astonishing that we tolerate this from him for 18 months. It is unappealing and undignified except one concludes for Trump loyalists of the same ilk who love his crap and will stick by him no matter what. 

That’s it for today – thanks for stopping by.

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