Saturday, July 14, 2018

Trump in London: His Remarks on "Changing European Culture" Draw Much Ire and Disgust

Many sides of Donald J. Trump: Four ugly nasty ones totally define him

The Headlines: 

The London Trump saga and his remarks about changing 
European culture draw ire

WASHINGTON (AP) — Trump's lament this week that immigration is “changing the culture of Europe echoed rising anti-immigrant feelings on both sides of the Atlantic,” where Europe and the United States are going through a demographic transformation that makes some of the white majority uncomfortable.

Trump, in an interview with the British newspaper The Sun, blamed immigration for a changing culture in Europe, saying: “I think allowing millions and millions of people to come into Europe is very, very sad. I think you are losing your culture. Look around. You go through certain areas that didn't exist ten or 15 years ago.”

Trump, BTW is the grandson of a German immigrant and the son of a Scottish immigrant to the United States, repeated his contention at a news conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May saying in part: “I just think it's changing the culture. I think it's a very negative thing for Europe. I think it's very negative. I think it's very much hurt other parts of Europe. And I know it's politically not necessarily correct to say that, but I'll say it and I'll say it loud. And I think they better watch themselves because you are changing culture, you are changing a lot of things.”

Historians and advocates immediately reacted and denounced Trump's comments, saying such talk would encourage white nationalists. 

Example from: Heidi Beirich, Director of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project said: “The way Trump puts this argument about changing our culture ... about Europe becoming less nice than it is, in other words, these people are here and they are making the culture crappy and making the place lesser, that's straight out of the white supremacist/white nationalist playbook. Those comments are racist” Beirich concluded.

From an excellent PBS research report — Title: “Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race.

Introduction: Trump’s actions have landed on both sides of racial currents. His public record depicts a man who most often moves in one direction: overlooking racial sensitivity and concerns in the name of “political correctness.” That’s something his base likes but, has problems for his party, and also with a lot of voters.

To understand this side of Trump, especially after his remarks about the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, we combed the archives (and Internet) for more of Trump’s words and actions on race. We found nearly 100 critical comments.

Related here from my other post.

My 2 cents: I totally agree the assessment above – Trump is a bonafide white nationalist in his very soul, assumes he even has a soul. 

He is a seasoned lifelong bigot. In fact, it’s hard to keep score. 

By any standard or rational definition that label fits and Trump seems to wear it proudly. 

He is now a great risk to our national security and indeed our democratic system and world standing that he has lowered so much that even our closest allies know. 

Some experts believe and I concur that we have moved from being the world’s “Great super power to a WTF moment.” All thanks to Trump. 

My thanks for stopping by.

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