Thursday, July 26, 2018

"Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" Skilled Liars Don't Give a Hoot or Care Since It Comes Naturally

Definitions fit him perfectly — and he has the record to prove it

My question from this excellent Washington Post via MSN article on our “Liar-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump this #1 most-serious part:  

Did Trump give classified information to two Russians in that W/H meeting with FM Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Kislyak and Trump (no one else was present) in May 2017? 

After The Washington Post reported that Trump had revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting in May 2017, the national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, issued a statement saying: “The story that came out tonight (May 15, 2017) as reported is false.”

The next morning, Trump tweeted that he had an “absolute right” to disclose such information to the Russians.

As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining ... to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.

Then, after NBC News reported that Israel was the source of the intelligence given to those two Russians, Trump appeared to confirm that as well during a visit to Israel later, Trump told reporters: “Folks, folks, just so you understand, just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name Israel during that conversation.” 

Most-Critical: Before Trump made that comment to those reporters about Israel, U.S. officials had never confirmed on the record that the source was indeed Israel in the intelligence information given to those two Russians. 

Now we need to call on Rick Perry to add his famous “Oops line” to this saga.…!!!

Closely related is all this, and also from the Washington Post written by E.J. Dionne – is this his summary that captures Trump to a Trump Tower “T” – this way:
“And when it comes to creating new and unhinged narratives to displace those rooted in fact, Trump has no equal. Thus did the man who stood next to Vladimir Putin when the Russian leader said he wanted Trump to win in 2016 declare this week — with no evidence whatsoever — that Russia “will be pushing very hard for the Democrats” in this fall’s elections.” 
Contrary to liberal fears, most of the country doesn’t believe him. Trump’s core support, measured by the proportion in last Wednesday’s NPR/“PBS News Hour”/Marist poll who strongly approve of him, is down to 25 percent.” 
“The bad news is that, among Republicans, his strong-approval number stands at 62 percent. Trump’s hope of clinging to power rests on the assumption that he can continue inventing enough false story lines to keep his party at bay.” 
His theory seems to be that a lie is as good as the truth as long as the right people believe it.”
My 2 Cents: Of all the lies and crap that Trump has said and done and backtracked on or tried to hide or undo with more lies and false statements as this detailed story outlines raises this question, which I am sure many million ask, too: 

“What else did Trump give away or say to our adversaries that we don’t know about that is sensitive intelligence or maybe even more harmful than that intelligence given by Trump to those two Russians in the Oval Office in May 2017?” 

That is a logical question that needs answered, but may or may not ever be. 

Finally, never in my lifetime would I have thought I'd see, or hear, or believe that so many Americans would and could so openly call our president a liar like we see today with Trump. It is truly astonishing. I just wonder what is does to our basic set of values? Rewritten according to Trump, I guess? 

Thanks for stopping by.

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