Sunday, January 14, 2018

Trump as Our CINC: To Date Pretty Poor Performance and Unknown Lies Ahead

McCain before last mission and his capture

McCain as POW with badly broken arm in Hanoi Hilton

Can't believe Trump said that, but in essence, he did 

Sometimes a review is in order - this is that time:

Our present CINC speaking about Sen. John McCain, a Vietnam War Veteran in July 2015 at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, IA took his running feud with McCain to a whole new level saying:

“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Those remarks, which came after days of back-and-forth between McCain and Trump, and they were met with scattered boos.

Recall that McCain is former Navy fighter pilot (an A-4 Skyhawk pilot) spent roughly five-and-half years in the notorious North Vietnamese prison camp known as the “Hanoi Hilton,” where he was repeatedly tortured and spent two of those years in solitary confinement.

(I note: Trump implies that McCain flew into North VN on his bombing mission all the while having planned to get shot down, badly wounded, captured, and held captive and tortured for those 5 years).

Then later in grand Trump fashion and following those harsh words, which Trump denied, he said: “If somebody’s a prisoner, I consider them a war hero.”

Then in true Trump style (he just could not let it go), he continued attacking McCain saying: “I think John McCain’s done very little for the veterans. I’m very disappointed in John McCain.”

Finally, call it the icing on this cake as it were: 

How about you tell the Army SF and Rangers, the Navy SEALS, Marine Corps Force Recon, and Spec. Op troops that you got more military training in your prep school than they did in theirs and watch their reaction, and BTW: D U C K...!!!

You, sir, are a terrible and disgraceful CINC. 

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