Monday, January 22, 2018

Shutdown Ends: Promises Made to Be Promises Broken Now Bated Breath Time

McConnell-Schumer Make Shutdown Deal — Onus On Ryan and House

Update deal reached on shutdown, DACA, and the Wall (Washington Post via MSN) – Call it “How much do you trust and believe Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Senate GOP Majority Leader.

McConnell’s promise (to have the DACA agreement separate moving forward) convinced some Democrats to switch their vote on the shutdown. But McConnell wasn’t able to make any guarantees about the House, as Speaker Paul Ryan who previously promised the conservative Freedom Caucus he would not hold immigration votes without support from a majority of the Republican conference.

Pressure now on Speaker Ryan in the House – that ought to be a good show, too.

Trump could also throw the entire deal into disarray since he already rejected an offer from Senate DEM Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to fund a border wall this FY for all that Trump asked for (funding can only be on annual FY basis – which I guess Trump does not even know). 

It was something Democrats have said they would not accept in exchange for DACA “Dreamer protections.”

Plus, since the shutdown (only two days thus far) White House officials have said they would not negotiate on immigration issues. 

So, now it’s all up to Trump – which is the part he loves.

In a speech on the Senate floor announcing that his caucus would vote to move forward, Schumer said he hadn’t spoken with Trump since their last meeting at the White House ― just before the government shut down began, adding: “The great deal-making president sat on the sidelines.”

Dreamer activists called on Democrats earlier not to settle for McConnell’s promise to hold a vote. If they lose DACA ― as an estimated 122 Dreamers already are each day ― then they lose work permits and could be deported – back to a country most of them do not even know.

“Promises won’t protect anyone from deportation because delay means deportations for us,” activist group director United We Dream Greisa Martinez-Rosas told reporters.

Eighteen DEM Senators who voted against ending debate were: Blumenthal (CT), Booker (NJ), Cortez-Masto (NV), Feinstein (CA), Gillibrand (NY), Harris (CA), Hirono (HI), Leahy (VT), Markey (MA), Menendez (NJ), Merkley (OR), Murphy (CT), Sanders (VT), Tester (MT), Warren (MA), and Ron Wyden (OR).

Only two GOP Senators voted “No” – they are Lee (UT) and Paul (KY).
McConnell’s promise convinced some Democrats to switch their vote. But he wasn’t able to make any guarantees about the House, as Ryan previously promised the conservative Freedom Caucus he would not hold immigration votes without support from a majority of the Republican conference.
Trump could also throw the entire deal into disarray. He rejected an offer from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Friday to fund a border wall ― something Democrats have said they would not accept ― in exchange for Dreamer protections, according to Schumer. Since the shutdown, White House officials have said they would not negotiate on immigration issues.
In a speech on the Senate floor announcing that his caucus would vote to move forward, Schumer said he hadn’t spoken with Trump since their Friday meeting at the White House ― before the government shut down. “The great deal-making president sat on the sidelines,” he said.
Dreamer activists called on Democrats earlier Monday to not settle for McConnell’s promise to hold a vote. If they lose DACA ― as an estimated 122 Dreamers already are each day ― they will lose work permits and could be deported.
“Promises won’t protect anyone from deportation because delay means deportations for us,” Greisa Martinez Rosas, advocacy director for the Dreamer-led group United We Dream, said on a call with reporters ahead of the vote.
The Democratic senators who voted against ending debate were: Richard Blumenthal (Conn.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Catherine Cortez Masto (Nev.), Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Kamala Harris (Calif.), Mazie Hirono (Hawaii), Patrick Leahy (Vt.), Ed Markey (Mass.), Robert Menendez (N.J.), Jeff Merkley (Ore.), Chris Murphy (Conn.), Bernie Sanders (Vt.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Ron Wyden (Ore.).  
On the Republican side, Sens. Mike Lee (Utah) and Rand Paul (Ky.) voted against the measure. 

A bit more background up to this point:

The agreement that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), described to Trump and that which Schumer promised in this FYI funding bill includes $1.6 billion for the wall that Trump wants in this FY authorization.

(I note and as most people already know but not apparently Trump: Funding is done on an annual (FY basis) unless more is needed for emergency, etc. Plus, this part of Trump’s overall request covers only 74 miles of our southern border but the funds are part of a 10-year, nearly $20 billion proposal for the whole damn wall or fence in reality and not one from coast to coast as it were).

Democrats had long vowed they wouldn’t fund the wall but are accepting the opening request as part of a broader plan that protects from deportation about 800,000 younger immigrants brought to the country as children and now here illegally (the so-called “Dreamers” who only know the U.S. as their home and “dream” about becoming full-fledged citizens).

My 2 cents: I also note that this deal that Trump wants would include restrictions on a program allowing immigrants to bring some relatives to the U.S. (what Trump calls “Chain immigration” which FYI/BTW once again IS NOT illegal immigration by any stretch – even though Trump thinks so) – he hates that part – yeah, the GOP – “Family Values Party” right)?

So, we are now: DEMS must trust McConnell to keep his word all the while knowing that no one can trust Trump – so seldom if ever keeps his.

What a sick political dilemma isn’t it? But, also one carefully planned by Trump from his staunch anti-immigrant forces lead by that moron goofball Stephen Miller, the domestic adviser to Trump.

So, stay tuned now on a month-by-month or more likely daily basis to see what lies ahead (pun intended).

Thanks for stopping by.

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