Saturday, December 2, 2017

Proof of North Korean Sickness: Celebrating Entering the Nuclear Missile and ICBM Age

North Koreans Hold Mass Celebrations for Latest Missile Test

Kim, Jung-un always center with note-takers in PR limelight
(See, this a mouse. No not Mickey Mouse pay attention)

North Korea held mass celebrations for its latest successful long-range missile test, Pyongyang's state media said Saturday, with a propaganda-filled display of fireworks and dancing in public squares.

The ruling Workers Party official daily newspaper: Ro-dong Sin-mun(로동신문)
covered its front page with color photographs showing thousands of tightly packed soldiers and people applauding in Pyongyang's Kim Il-Sung square, which was decorated with large portraits of the late North Korean two leaders.

Banner and signs were everywhere: “We heartily celebrate the successful test launch of the Hwasong-15 which showed Chosun’s (North Korean name for itself) power and greatness to the whole world.”

North Korea just successfully tested a new ICBM with current leader Kim Jong-Un declaring his country had now achieved full nuclear statehood and can strike the U.S. anytime and anyplace.

I note as a long time follower of North Korea that carefully controlled hype and flare is their middle name – that’s all they know from cradle to grave – one message 24/7: Us and no one else.

They are harsh brutes and don’t know how to act on the world stage except by outrageous and dangerous means ever since 1953 when the Korean war ended with a cease fire and not peace treaty … they are still at war in their mind and their actions show it. 


Since the Korean War ended in that cease fire armistice in July 1953, the Kim regime (Grandfather, Father, and now son) has only and always portrayed the United States as an “imperialist aggressor” pursuing “hostile policy” to crush North Korea. They are famous at the blame game: do horrible things and say it was self-defense against the aggressor – the U.S. and their puppet South Korea.

Talking is out of the question from both sides and that makes it more dangerous today maybe more than ever with the current two unstable and unpredictable men in power: Trump and Kim both with crazy ideas and egos that can never be satisfied acting like bullies and spoiled children when always seek attention and the spotlight anyway possible.

How can the world sit by and watch two men about ready to end mankind in the name of what? Attention for their egos? 

All I can say is talk never hurts – but nukes damn sure do. 

Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.

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