Monday, December 25, 2017

“Make America [fill in the blank] Again” – Trump Sets Incogitable Low Standard Bar

Trump Sets New Low for the Country and Reinforces It Daily
(Demands Compliance)

Classic Trump Empire, Inc. “Art of the Con” for BFF's 
(What do his followers think now - trickle down, um???)

So, is Trump really a con artist as Sen. Rubio labeled him during the GOP primary? Boy, does it seem so almost daily … several points of view follow to put this all in perspective.

Then remember this quip from former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg he said during his speech at the DNC convention in July 2016: “I’m a New Yorker — and I know a con artist when I see one.”

Could Trump really be a con man? Con artists are motivated both by a desire to be the center of attention and the power that comes with that ability to manipulate others, psychologist Maria Konnikova, author of The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It ... Every Time explained earlier this year: “They're addicted to that sense of power, that rush of being able to pull one over on people and get away with it. Along the way, they'll deceive people in order to get that attention and power.”

Konnikova wrote in The New Yorker: “If Trump were a con artist, he would be interested in politics only as a means to some other end. He wouldn't believe in his political opinions; instead, he would see those opinions as convenient tools for gaining what he actually desires.”

Pulitzer-prize winning fact-checking organization Politifact awarded Trump's statements the 2015 “Lie of the Year” award. For example, of 298 Trump statements assessed at time of publication, Politifact rated only 4% as true; 11% as mostly true; 19% were rated as mostly false; 35% as false; and, 17% rated as pants on fire.

Being a con artist isn't just about deception — it's about intent. Many politicians deceive people, but they are not all practitioners of the confidence game. Many truly believe what they are saying or believe it's worth it to stretch the truth to accomplish their political goals. As far as Trump goes, power and being at the center of attention fits him and his con artist's goal(s).

My POV: Read about Trump and assess him and his statements in his own words and then judge for yourself. 

He has truly set a new low for the country and on the world stage too. His insults directed to anyone about anything is legendary and so un-presidential it’s seems to defy gravity itself. 

His loyal supporters keep saying: “Well that’s who he is and we don’t care – we trust him.” 

My Q to those loyalists: Why trust a man to lies with abandon practically a dozen times a day in some cases… it’s his habit in his DNA- his natural character and way of doing business – but government and politics is not a business endeavor about P&L and the so-called bottom line. 

Government leadership is about good judgment and compassion while serving and helping the general public, and more so those in need (not handouts per se) but the less fortunate. 

Trump has none of those leadership skills and traits or qualities to lead the country and in fact he seems to not even know basics of our Federal structure. 

Plus he shows those weaknesses on a daily basis. 

Measuring him as a former TV reality show host and a man who has tricked his way to the top is not presidential by any standard and especially the low standard he has set and follows.  

Trump cannot change. He is not apt to change. Those wait for him to wake up and serve us all are dreaming. 

In short, we can only expect to see of the same from him.

Thanks for stopping by.  

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