Monday, November 6, 2017

Emperor Donald XLV Has Spoken: "I'm the only one that matters" — WTF Moment in History

Man in the Middle: Arrogant Spoiled Narcissist Out of Control

The following from is a super excellent very in-depth analysis of Trump the man – the man we now call president.

I note: It is about the best I have seen to date just short of an actual officially-approved medical professional view of him.

My concerns are just like those raised in the Salon article about the fears, doubts, uncertainties, documented statements and video clips of Trump in his own words, the well-known and documented facts about him, and about all the suspicions many people still hold about him when asking “how will Trump govern.” Those concerns are valid and now in plain view while still developing practically on daily basis, and they are not pretty.
A few highlights from the Salon article written by Digby are in this short introduction (my emphasis added):

“President Donald Trump is overseas right now, doing personal appearances at his properties and making a fool of himself. So far, he's asked Japanese car makers to start making cars in the United States, apparently ignorant of the fact that three out of four Japanese-branded cars and trucks are already manufactured in America.”

“And he hawked U.S. military equipment as if he were selling Trump steaks on YouTube.” That wasn't the worst of it.”

“He also told American and Japanese troops that no nation should underestimate American resolve. Then he quipped: Every once in a while, in the past, they underestimated us. It was not pleasant for them, was it?”

“Trump's previous foreign trips have also been embarrassing, but he seems more off-kilter than usual this time. That's obviously because of the pressure he's under back home, with the indictments of his former campaign officials by special counsel Robert Mueller. That pressure has once again brought out into the open the authoritarian impulses that are becoming more and more pronounced by the day.”

“Back when Trump took out full-page ads calling for capital punishment and allowing police to brutalize citizens, he was just another tabloid blowhard.”

“And during the presidential campaign, when he endorsed torture and war crimes and made racist comments about a judge's Mexican heritage, people assumed he was just being hyperbolic.”

“When he repeatedly declared his opponent guilty of crimes, even spitting out the nasty jibe: If I were president, you'd be in jail, said to Hillary Clinton in a presidential debate, nobody thought he actually meant it.”

“But after more than nine months of his presidency, it's become clear that Trump truly has no respect for the rule of law.”

Story continues at the above Salon link.

Thanks for stopping by.

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